CP Election

Day 1,200, 11:12 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Vincent Rekdal

Most of you saw me as CP candidate of the PTL, and most of you knows that F4uc0n won the primaries of the PTL. Well it was a big error, and I take full responsibility for what happened. I was automatically putted as candidate when I created the party and yesterday was too late to put someone else as candidate. In this moment I’m in Spain and I didn’t have the possibility to have a connection, when I found it was too late, and the system didn’t let me change the candidate. So now take two decisions:

1) to resign as PP;

2) to try to do my best to win this election and of course to be swiss President.

For the 2nd point I’m sure that I will have all the possible support from my party, a party of active players and a party of guys that really want to do the best for the country. I don’t have many experience with erepublic and for sure there are a lot of players with a better knowledge of the game, but most of them are active part of the PTL and they will be president with me.
I also cant set my goals in game so I’m going to do it here:

I will try to increase the active population of eSwitzerland with a marketing campaign, sending message in swiss forums, facebook and also trying to attract people from other countries.

I will try to give to the country a training war, I already have very good contacts with some countries thanks to my job of ambassador. I think that we can have a training war with Italy that will give us a lot of resources.

We also need to continue the good job of mediation with France of F4uc0n and Xeraes to have Romandie back.

As President I will also try to have a constructive dialogue with the SNP, what happened last days is a bad example for the country, it’s impossible to have such number of proposals rejected without a discussion. We need to work hard to rebuild the country and I think that we don’t need ptoers or multis to do that.

I apologize again, it was completely my error and the only thing I can say is that in case of victory I will give to the country all my commitment and passion.

Vincent Rekdal