Chased from EDEN

Day 1,158, 07:00 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Vincent Rekdal

eSwtizerland is no more a member of EDEN. This in the silence of our politicians, and our government too busy to preapre the political campaign for the next congressional elections.
This is the official communication of EDEN:

''During the last Summit, it was decided that Switzerland would no longer be a member and their membership has been suspended due to a long period of inactivity and few contribution. This measure will apply for as long as it will be needed. However, Swiss have their destiny in their hand, if they do want to return to the brotherhood, they will have to demonstrate that they can be active and implicated in this global alliance. And once they have shown us this again, they will be able to call this alliance their home once more.''

eSwitzerland has the right to know why we were chased, why our Government choose to be inactive with EDEN. Now we are alone with bad neighbours. And we need to have some signals by our Government, if they will try to back the country in the alliance or not and what they think to do to ensure our country.