Chance Harrison Trying to interfere with Sky Taxes

Day 5,841, 01:18 Published in Canada Slovakia by Rylde

#606 Day 5850 Chance Harrison Trying to interfere with Sky Taxes

#605 Day 5849 Timotieu Greedy f***er had damage spread across 3 battles.

#604 Day 5849 Themacedon I always make time to Shoot a moose

#603 Day 5849 ultimate523 Always a pleasure Sky taxing imperial scum

#602 Day 5849 Themacedon Another moosey Bites the Dust

#601 Day 5848 TemujinBCYes stayed logged off and pay your Sky taxes

#600 Day 5848 Timo is still the reigning Sky tax champion

#599 Day 5847 Simulare Been awhile since he paid his Sky Taxes

#598 Day 5847 TemujinBC revenge of the 69th is Swift

#597 Day 5847 Themacedon Another Moosey Bites the Dust

#596 Day 5847 kiisupai First Winner of todays Sky Tax lottery

#595 Day 5846 This Name Taken Hey It fought back for Once LMAO!!!

#594 Day 5846 Napoleon54 Another Moosey Bites the Dust

#593 Day 5846 Themacedon another moosey Bites the dust

#592 Day 5846 TemujinBC sleepin at the wheel

#591 Day 5846 Timotieu same story never gets old

#590 Day 5845 Chance Harrison No you already stole once from me this week

#589 Day 5845 Amaryllis Bloom Welcome back to Canada LMAO!!!

#588 Day 5845 TemujinBC White Knight fail as per Usual

#587 Day 5845 Uncle Bob 25 i always have time to Sky Tax my old imperial Buddies

#586 Day 5845 TheCanadianPunk Every Moosey pays there Sky Taxes

#585 Day 5844 Themacedon Another one Bites the Dust

#584 Day 5844 Timotieu 580 Timo me Boyo lmao!!!

#583 Day 5843 TemujinBC well that was a costly war to end in a 1-1 draw

#582 Day 5843 This name Taken this fool sits online but never fights back.

#581 Day 5843 Themacedon pay your dues man

#580 Day 5842 Timotieu 580 gold now paid into the 69th's coffers

#579 Day 5842 Mosadeq Guys been watching every one of his medals for weeks and finally caught him not watching lol

#578 Day 5842 Robot The Nejach Welcome to Canada Part 2 New Sky Tax Victim in Town

#577 Day 5842 Robot The Nejach Welcome to Canada 3rd worlder shot down and sky taxed lmao!!!

#576 Day 5841 TemujinBC LMAO x2 !!!!

#575 Day 5841 TemujinBC LMAO!!!

#574 Day 5841 TheCanadianPunk

#573 Day 5841 Timo I enjoyed beating you