Candidature for Congress

Day 482, 16:41 Published in South Korea Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

*my friend need's me to print him an article here*

Hello, citizens of South Korea.

I am writing this presentation to express my concern for the
well-being of our nation, offer my help, and request your support
for the seat of Congress. It's no surprise we're ranked number 41
In the world. Is it because we have incapable citizens? No, our
average level matches that of the rest of the world. No, what we
have to blame is our poor economy and lack of business in the

In my eReupublik career, I have been to The United States
three times, Norway twice, Russia, Romania, Switzerland, and Italy.
But, never before have I seen such a nation in economic peril. We
cannot possibly think of expansion or war UNTIL we can get our
economy on it's feet! As congressman, I can be your agent to do

There are two main ways I will go about fixing our economy.
The first is to increase population, which will in turn increase
business. This will create more jobs (Has anyone else noticed
that there are NO construction jobs available, at all?) and create
more companies to destroy any harmful monopolies we may have. My
first, short-term goal is to bring new, cheaper food industries
for our citizens. I am sorry if I offend our current food COMPANY,
but not everybody can afford Q4 food every day. This may be a leading
cause of our lack of population.

Thank you for reading my speech. If you have any questions,
please feel free to PM me (Omega Link) at any time. And please -
support Me (Omega Link) by voting up this article, if you would mind
the small effort. It would really help my cause, and help bring
assistance to our needy nation. Thank you.

~Omega Link\

*Publishers note*

Vote/Subscribe, and make sure to vote Omega Link of the first alphabetical region.I will soon be publishing a similar article for his brother, Skooma Dean