American Failure..part 2

Day 475, 11:44 Published in United Kingdom Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

Hey there. 2 days ago, I published an article highlighting america's failure to it's allies. Let us review some battle stats:

West Siberia region battle - a whopping 20,000 fights were done in total. Damage totals: ~630,000 Indonesia, ~490,000 Romania.

Dunno 'bout you guys, but that is a HELLUVA lot of damage. Participating countries were off the wall. The UK sent out it's paratroopers (myself included 😃) to assist. We were receiving Q1, Q3 guns. Dunno 'bout you, but that's horrid! I was doing 80 dmg instead of 100! Our tanks were doing no damage at all! Sweden, Spain, and various other ATLANTIS nations sent their assistance.

French, Portugese, Iranian, etc. tanks, troops and volunteer's poured into Indonesia to lead the charge on Romania. There was some whopping server lag, when at 10 minutes left, it went from 20k to 3k. It just BLINKED to there. THen with overtime, I saw it at 3k..nothing.. -7k!!! Insanity.

I would like to congratulate PEACE on a fight well done. I must say, that was quite the impressive battle. I would like to congratulate every soldier who has fought for their respective countries, ATLANTIS and PEACE alike. This was truly an effort by both sides to begin World War III. Truly a heroic effort.

BUT, there seems to be an issue. With several hours left on the clock for West Siberia, US attacked the Central Highlands region of Mexico. Normally, I really wouldn't give a fuck, but it's greatest ally, it's strongest & richest ally was under attack. And losing. The approximate cost of attacking this region was 75 gold. After the battle ended.. I noticed about 12,000-13,000 fights from the Americans. I was a bit surprised, I mean... they claimed to have been assisting Romania!

Then..they attack ANOTHER mexican region. And they started losing, which personally, is hilarious beyond belief. As PEACE began a second offensive on Romania.. the battle count for america in the war was at 25,000 fights. I nearly shat bricks. What the hell. Seriously. This is beyond belief, for any nation to do this. Not only did they not send troops to Romania, they mobilized US Army & US national guard to attack the Mexican regions.

Cool. Many people are incredibly angry about this. Not only is the US getting away with it, we're not even attempting to levy fines. A recent podcast, with Vice-President/MoD Hassan & MoF roadrunnerspeed, shows their opinions on this. It can be found here. I'm the one who asks about why america sucks. Lolz 😉.

So, I urge you UK'ers, Romanians, and various other ATLANTIS nations: do something about this. Levy a fine, or refuse to support them. Do something for christ sakes.

eUK paratrooper

Update: 800,000 dmg against MEXICO. Most of this done in the last few days. Pathetic.