A new media system, new Industries, and CPUSA

Day 468, 15:34 Published in USA Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

Hey hey guise. It's time I put multiple issues in my articles. This 1 article a day, it doesn't let me get everything out that I think should be out there IMMEDIATELY. The only problem is, if you disagree with part of the article.. you don't vote for it even if you like the other part! So.. that's not cool! But, let's address this whole "new media system"" thing.

The current media system consists of a newspaper printing an "article" whenever he wants. You can vote/subscribe to the paper. But.. how realistic is that. In Real Life, (IRL) we generally read multiple articles in a paper. And we pay for subscriptions (totally against that in this game though). AND, you have a damn lot of people working for a paper. Here's what I suppose: multiple people (minimum 2) make a "newspaper".

The newspaper will cost X amount of gold, which can be split between each party (if it costs 5 gold, then each must pay 2.5. This newspaper publishes an "edition" however often they want. The edition can include multiple subjects, articles, etc. It should also have "advertisements". Basically, a company, person, or party can contact the newspaper owner, and submit an "advertisement". This could be a feature. For a price decidable by the newspaper owners, the advertisement will be submitted in the paper.

If you want to review a case, look at Jewitt's paper. He has 3 people (johnwoodman, him, and someone else). In case, my presented system would be much better. They could converge and submit articles, be journalists, etc. If you want to take it further, have it replace "jobs". To do that, make subscribing cost something, a tiny price. Or something... well, you know what I mean eh?

Alright.... Let's review new industries. I do find the current system a bit small, considering that a good portion of it relies on war. So I present the following industries: Computers, and Technology. Computer's are basically like a house. Except instead of 1 RM, they require multiple RM's to make. Perhaps Iron & the "rm" technology. It would work as a house, a third variable simply. We all know the wellness formula, so you would add that right in there. Entertainment value, lulz.

Technology is a special case. Instead of being an ordinary RM, it requires RM's to make it, but it also serves as a direct RM of Computers. You could say.. Iron & Oil make it! It would be quite expensive I would assume, to make these computers after you review all these costs. But, then this new and quite pricey item would be useless. I mean who the hell would use it, especially for an industry like computers. (Note, computers would be manufacturing and technology would be land)

Let's say that.. to upgrade your company, you need an amount of technology to upgrade. Perhaps to be able to make Q2 food from your previous Q1, you need technology to upgrade it. You can't just bio-morph food!

Alright, now that we discussed these new features (hoped you like them). Let's talk about the CPUSA. As a former RRF/CPSU member, and an assistant in world wide fights against imperialism, volunteering my wellness, I would like to state, this is quite the noble cause. As communes in Norway/Russia/Romania (hard working men we have here) operated, we provide fair wages to the worker. We however do not pay the ridiculous sums asked by some of the greedier workers. (I am a 5 skill land worker, 5.6 USD is my pay).

While yes there are profits, and there will continue to be profits until we have every industry secured, we do this for the benefit of the worker. If you are interested in finding out how we do all this, please sign up for theinternationale.proboards83.com, and look up the thread by Comrade Hatebot. It fully explains how this works.

This is also an internationale step to set up a commune & party in every country. Our goal is well on it's way, with the RRF, soon to be PCP, CPUSA, and MSAP (not sure on these dudes) participating. If you are a communist or a socialist, sign up for our party. We are taking donations to set up more companies. At the moment, we will soon be reaching a second company, if we can have some donations! I've donated nearly the entire price of that company, + the 4 gold, + the org.

Let's see what YOU can do for COMMUNISM & SOCIALISM.

eUK paratrooper.

By the way, read this article: http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/william-shafer-s-unpaid-debt-745547/1/20