10 Questions with Bean and Chewie

Day 1,750, 17:16 Published in Ireland United Kingdom by moomoohead

We have a great election coming up with two very good canadites. I asked both to answer some questions for an interview. I tried to do it a little different, instead of giving them completely open questions I TRIED to keep them to the point by asking for multiple choice questions. I also tried to have a bit of fun with it. So here is the interview/quiz. The two canadites answers are below.


1)So first question, if the choice was solely yours, which alliance would you have Ireland join?

A. Stay in EDEN
B. CoT
C. Independent
D. I have no personal opinion, will do whatever people want

2) Favorite beverage to drink when playing game?

A. Beer, have you not read some of my articles
B. Coffee I stay up too late playing this silly game
C. Tea, I am a true Irish man
D. Strawberry Dacaris, do not ask

3)Do you have a lot of eFriends?

A. If I get elected I will mostly like loose a few
B. Just a few. Most people usually get annoyed with me
C. Tons but they are mostly in my head
D. If I get elected I will have a lot more

4)If you are elected, what direction would you take in the war with Poland?
A. Fight RW till they get bored with us
B. Sign a peace treaty with them
C. Top secret mega plan to win

5)The job of CP involves a ton of hours and you get no appreciation for doing it. On top of that you can never make everyone happy. Are you crazy?

A. No my mom has had me tested
B. I keep telling myself I am not, but others keep telling me I am
C. Crazy like a fox
D. No I just have a lot of weird habits

6)Do you buy Gold?

A. Yes but keep it quiet, we gold buyers are seen as dopes
B. No, I do not get an allowance
C. What is a couple of euros when you spend as much time as I do at this game
D. I make Romper look like a charity case

7)In you opinion which is the most important minister position?

B. MoD

8 ) How would you best describe congress?

A. Bunch of people who just ran for 5 gold
B. The real leaders of Ireland who should make most of our decisions
C. They like to be involved in all decisions but do not put in time to understand them
D. They never make any decisions, just talk a lot, we need leadership

9) Best CP Ireland has had in the last year?

10) Are your eFriends loyal to you?

A. Most of them, I think
B. It is a curse, people cannot help but talk about me
C. If I win CP yes, if I lose they will try to get into other guys cabinet
D. Through thick and thin they will always be beside me or at least I keep telling myself that

Chewies Anwsers
1. B
2. B
3. C
4. B
5. C
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. Irish_Rebel_Reborn
10. D

Beans Answers (No extra credit for the long answers)

1. I personally would pick "A" but if the people wanted different then I would have referendum.
2. Why no Capri-Sun option 🙁 "C" \0/
3. "C" Teddy's the social guy....
4. None of the above. Pointless RW's are well pointless... You need proper organization and distractions for Poland as well as a lot of help from our allies. I would not settle for a NAP with Poland unless it gave us all our regions back o7
5. "A" many times
6. "C" No rl 🙁 😛
7. "A"
8. None of the improve. Congress are crucial to eIreland and I believe when they work together can be pretty beneficial for our country...the problem is getting them to work together. 😛
9. pfft hmm I think I enjoyed Bhanes term the most. I really started to become active and coming from no regions to conquering London in one term was pretty epic. It really showed the fighting spirit of the Irish o/
10. D

Different on Questions 1,2,4,5,8,9
Same 3,6,7,10