[The Amazing Race]Second Season - Registrations and Announcement - Chile

Day 3,055, 10:36 Published in Chile Indonesia by Kementerian Dalam Negeri

This is the Second Season of “The Amazing Race”, This Season The Amazing Race will held in 8 countries as the host (Australia, United Kingdom, India, Netherlands, Japan, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Estonia and Czech Republic) It mean this event will be held in 8 different countries each episode each country will publish an article every day and the winner is person who get highest total points every episode in the final season.

The Amazing Race, works same with Amazing Race TV Show you finish job and get a points.


Rules for the amazing race is :
Rule #1 - Only registered players that can join this competitions and contest with the other player. Answer from non registered player will not count.
Rule #2 - This is Individual Competitions not team, but any improvement without violate the rules acceptable.
Rule #3 - Violate againts the rules will be given pinalty (reduction of the points) or ban from the competitions.
Rule #4 - Respect each other and dont insult other players.
Rule #5 - Dont spam the mass PM and only message if it necessary.
Rule #6 - The official' decision is final, official of a country not allow to give a clue or tell other players or participant to help them/him/her to win The Amazing Race
Rule #7 - Any kind of cheat is forbidden

The Amazing Race is a race from country to country, in every country you will have to answer one of the 15 questions to score points (point will be random). the players with the highest score wins.

More regulations detail you can see here : http://tinyurl.com/TAR2-Tools
All about The Amazing Race Season one : http://tinyurl.com/TAR-Tools

You need to comment on the article "I JOIN" and mention your country citizenship to register or send PM to me (Demon war/Eraclev) directly..

To understand how this is work you can see previous season here

1. Winner of Event :
35000 cc + 50G officialy from eRepublik Administration team (Plato will send it directly), 1 Combat Stash/War Stash (whatever on there) + official certificate from eRepublik The Amazing Race

2. Runner up (2nd Place) of Event :
17500 cc + 30G officialy from eRepublik Administration team (Plato will send it directly), 1 Combat Stash/War Stash (whatever on there) + official certificate from eRepublik The Amazing Race

3. 2nd Runner up (3rd place) of Event :
12500 cc + 20G officialy from eRepublik Administration team (Plato will send it directly), 1 Combat Stash/War Stash (whatever on there)

4. 4th Place of the Event :
1 Combat Stash/War Stah (whatever on there)

5. Fifth Winner of the Event : 7500 cc
6. Sixth Winner 5000 cc
7. Seventh Winner 2500 cc

Other participant will get 200 cc + (20 cc x Points you get)


You need to comment on the article "I JOIN" and mention your country citizenship to register or send PM to Eraclev directly and add as friend because we will make mass PM for participant..

Registration will be close on Monday, 4 April 2016 - 3058
Signed by the founder-host and Co-Host of the Amazing Race Season Two

Demon war and Shawtyl0w