*second* Candidature

Day 484, 15:40 Published in South Korea Turkey by P. Cornelius Scipio Africanus

*another..candidate, from Skooma Dean*

Greetings. My name is Skooma Dean, and I'm running for congress here in South Korea. Anyway, I’m going to explain why I have the best interests in mind for South Korea, and what these interests are.

First and foremost, the economy here is less than what it could be. I don’t want to sugar-coat it, but I have seen a few problems that I am sure could be helped. This does in fact include the food industry. In an erep economy where only two companies are producing food for a country, the economy is destabilized. One company cannot have a ‘monopoly’ on a quality of food, because this is not a secure economic situation. I would like to help create more food companies in any way possible.

Second, how do you know you can trust me? How can you be sure I’m not just here for the five gold? Well, in my previous job in Spain, I had an income of about the equivalent of 5 gold every six days, and it required no effort. Why not just continue working there? Because I am more concerned with the Korean economic system. Furthermore, I am not aligned to any other particular country at the moment, though I have worked in several.

Finally, I am aware that more than a few people are concerned with an impending political takeover here in Korea. I intend to help secure our government, if possible, and prevent such an event from occurring.

If you have any questions or comments, please be civil, and I will address you.

~Skooma Dean, reformer.