[MORH] Zapovijedi / Orders D4030 [23:00h]

Day 4,026, 04:11 Published in Croatia Croatia by Ministarstvo Obrane

- Svi imamo ogroman refill i ako nije potrebno drugdje, ispucavajte višak damage u D4 bitaka koje trebamo dobiti (i tu ne očekujte obranu BH!), ne u onima koje trebamo izgubiti.
- U tijeku je osvježavanje izgleda novina i testiranje istog - za komentare, eventualne nejasnoće ili prijedloge, pišite u komentar, ingame PM ili se javite na Telegramu.
- Ostale napomene i opća pravila vezana uz pojedine bitke pogledajte napomene ispo😛

- Everyone has a huge refill and in case the damage is not needed elsewhere, give it as much as you need in D4 in the battles Cro needs to win, and do the regular damage in the battles we need to lose. (If you are on BH in D4 where Cro needs to win, don't expect it to remain yours!)
- MoD orders redesign and its testing is in progress - if you need clarifications or have a comment or suggestion, let us know in the comments, ingame PM or on Telegram.
- For general campaign rules and other notes, please check the notes below:


1. Rusija / Russia

[Hr] Trening rat s Rusijom je ping-pong rat:
- Northwest Croatia, direktna bitka -> za Hrvatsku
- Central Croatia, direktna bitka -> za Rusiju
Rusija zadržava Central Croatia.

[En] Training war with Russia will be from now on a ping-pong war:
- Northwest Croatia, direct battle -> for Croatia
- Central Croatia, direct battle -> for Russia
Russia will keep Central Croatia region from now on.

2. Grčka / Greece

[Hr] Trening rat s Grčkom je ping-pong rat u kojemu napadač uvijek gubi. Nema osvajanja regija ni ratova otpora.

[Hr] Training war with Greece is a ping-pong war where the attacker always loses the campaign. There will be no conquering the regions or organizing the resistance wars.

3. Japan

[Hr] Trening rat s Japanom je ping-pong rat u kojemu napadač uvijek gubi. Nema osvajanja regija ni ratova otpora.
- Federacija BiH, direktna bitka -> za Hrvatsku
- West Srpska Republic, East Srpska Republic, Brcko District, direktna bitka -> za Japan

[En] Training war with Japan is a ping-pong war where the attacker always loses the campaign. There will be no conquering the regions or organizing the resistance wars.
- Federation of BiH, direct battle -> for Croatia
- West Srpska Republic, East Srpska Republic, direct battle -> for Japan

4. UK

- Direktna bitka / Direct battle -> za Hrvatsku / for Croatia
- Rat otpora / Resistance war -> za UK / for UK

5. Albanija / Albania

[Hr] Trening rat s Albanijom je ping-pong rat u kojemu napadač uvijek gubi. Albanija će trajno držati regiju Istra i Kvarner, a do daljnjega i Liku i Gorski Kotar.
- Istra i Kvarner, Lika i Gorski Kotar, direktna bitka -> za Albaniju
- North Dalmatia, direktna -> za Hrvatsku

[En]Training war with Albania is a ping-pong war where the attacker always loses the campaign. Albania will keep Istria and Kvarner permanently, and Lika and Gorski Kotar for the time being.
- Istria and Kvarner, Lika and Gorski Kotar, direct battle -> for Albania
- North Dalmatia, direct battle -> for Croatia

6. Čile / Chile

[Hr] Trening rat s Čileom je ping-pong rat u kojemu napadač uvijek gubi. Nema osvajanja regija ni ratova otpora.
- Andalucia, direktna bitka -> za Hrvatsku
- Murcia, Catalonia, direktna bitka -> za Čile

[En]Training war with Chile is a ping-pong war where the attacker always loses the campaign. There will be no conquering the regions or organizing the resistance wars.
- Andalucia, direct battle -> for Croatia
- Murcia, Catalonia, direct battle -> for Chile

7. Crna Gora / Montenegro

[Hr] Trening rat s Crnom Gorom je ping-pong rat u kojemu napadač uvijek gubi. Nema osvajanja regija ni ratova otpora.
- South Dalmatia, direktna bitka -> za Hrvatsku
- Montenegrin Coast, direktna bitka -> za Crnu Goru

[En]Training war with Montenegro is a ping-pong war where the attacker always loses the campaign. There will be no conquering the regions or organizing the resistance wars.
- South Dalmatia, direct battle -> for Croatia
- Montenegrin Coast, direct battle -> for Montenegro

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Tim Ministarstva obrane / Ministry of Defence team

Ministar obrane (Minister of Defence):