[MoFA] Looking for Ambassadors

Day 2,218, 13:24 Published in USA USA by Aeriadne

if you’re going to try,
go all the way.
there is no other feeling like
you will be alone with the gods
and the nights will flame with

Wanted and Willing

The Department of State is looking for ambassadors. And ladies, we go hard.

Dat oldschool hardstyle yo.

There are many benefits to getting involved with the State Department.

1. Meet new friends.
2. Learn about America's place in the world and what you can do to help it.
3. Be tutored in the ancient, secret arts of Foreign Affairs.
4. Biddies and swag.

Ambassadors will be assigned on a first come first served basis. You will be expected to compile up-to-date information on the countries of the world, as well as be active on IRC in the country channels you are assigned to as well as the state channel, #us-state, as the majority of Foreign Affairs is communication.

What we will be looking for in ambassadors.

1. Communicative and friendly.
2. Active on IRC.
3. Foreign language skills.
4. A willingness to learn and discuss foreign policy.
5. Have eUS citizenship.

It is the job of the ambassadors, first and foremost, to be envoys to our friends and even our foes. A thing which is often misunderstood about ambassadors is that they do not set policy. It is the duty of the Secretary of State and the Deputy Secretaries in conjunction with the wishes of the President to offer deals, negotiate rental agreements, alliances, and NAPs, and choose which MPPs we accept and decline.

Ambassadors are the eyes and ears. They watch, learn, are asked input from the Secretary of State and Deputies, and report what they learn and find. With training and a willingness to learn, an ambassador may shine and show that they have what it takes to then step up to bigger places.

Start small, aim high.

This is a little different from the way the Ambassadors Program has operated in the past. The new system allows Ambassadors to work directly with the State Department, gain insight from the current President and Secretary of State, and show their merit and ability to work within the framework of our foreign policy agenda.

If you think you've got what it takes and you want a chance to help, either hop on IRC and join #us-state and talk with me or one of the Deputies, or shoot me a PM personally.

It's time to make a team that works for America.

Join the Ambassador's Program today.

Join the eUS Ambassador Program!