[Mjuraa Ozbiljan] - Izvjestaj iz eRusije!!! (:

Day 3,017, 14:35 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Thailand by Nuclear Mjuraa


MVP eBiH je organizovao konkurs sa finim nagradama, i ajde reko da i ja napisem jedan ozbiljan clanak.

Danas vam donosim izvjestaj o eRusiji, znaci opcenito o njihovoj drzavi.. intervju sa predsjednikom i ministrom vanjskih poslova
i naravno par lijepih fotografija Ruskih gradova 😃

Opce informacije:

-Broj igraca: 1,808

-Broj regija: 19

-Savez: "Pacifica"


FOO😨 100%
WEP: 100%


CP: Ivanov Leonid
PM: Vote for Rezeda
MoFA: nimnul
Governor: Kizyakov
MoE: dfiduk

Njihov set MPP-ova je sljedeci:


1. Firstly, tell me something about yourself?

Married, 3 years old daughter)

2. Tell me more about situation in eRussia community?

We are sleep... Only few guys try to wake up someone oldfage and interest newby... Like every in eWorld

3. Do you have active and strong players in lower divisions, or you have problems like most of other countries?

We have few of them, but of course we have problems, like all other

4. Best ally for eRussia?

Pacifica team

5. Worst enemy?

Rudmins (romanian admins of this game)

6. What would you change in this game?

i got medal))) about changes - i can make decisions very fast, but now we haven't such cases, where we really need it.

7. How do you assess this month? have you done what you have planned?

i planned AS, but now we have war with eUcraine, so AS will wait a little bit. Also, i planned publish 10 articles, at this moment i publish 7 or 8 🙂 Everyone welcome to subs at my newspaper!

8. What you think about eBiH community??

This is FA question - please, ask my MoFA 🙂


1. Firstly, tell me something about yourself?

My name is Alex, I am 37, live in Moscow

2. Best ally for eRussia?

We have allies in many countries. I wouldn't like to accentuate any. All our allies are valuable and important. Even those with whom we currently do not have MPP.

3. Worst enemy?

I believe we do not have any enemies apriori. Those who consider us enemies may be called enemies in return.

4. What you think about eWorld (alliances) ? can we in future have more balance?

I think that after resourse wars almost all major countries have enough resourses, so there is no reason for serious fights. Only some RL-preconceptions and personal conflicts, which are extremely boring.
Current alliances are aimed at retention of status quo, so I don't expect any serious changes in the medium term.

5. What would you change in this game?

Return v1!
The players have already suggested so many really good improvements that the administration has just to choose the best. On the contrary, they never listen to the players.
Sorry to disappoint you, but I see no reason to waste efforts on this. 😛

6. How do you assess this month? have you done what you have planned?

As usual, I haven't done what I planned and had to do things I didn't plan to do 😛

7. What you think about eBiH community??

Our relations has always been neutral-friendly.
Your e-country is under huge influence of your two powerful neighbours, so I guess it's rather difficult for you to survive. Anyway I wish you good luck!

Za kraj par lijepih fotografija iz majcice Rusije 😃

To bi bilo to, nadam se da vam se svidja clanak 🙂

Clanak pripremio i uredio: Mjuraa

