[Lokian American Times] America Uncovered: Living In The Twilight Zone

Day 3,852, 07:55 Published in USA USA by King James88
America Uncovere😛 Living In The Twilight Zone

Imagine you will a country of elitists who think they own the country via a forums website that is separate from eRepublik. They think they can blacklist or censure anyone they choose beyond the rules laid forth but for the reason they don't walk the same line as they do. They have an IES run by corrupted individual who has a name of a flying animal which bares no repeating to mention that says everything is okay.

Ladies and Gentlemen we are in the Twilight Zone. EUSA has been living this long lasting nightmare that it can't seem to get out of. The reason why is America is under occupation by its enemies. Every mistake and action made resulted on a missle strike in Croatia that has awakened the beast and the beast pounded back smashing Loki for the puny God he is. It's what happens to dioists when they don't listen to everyday hard working eAmericans.

Let's take a look back at the day when the Giant Hulk Army from Croatia retaliated after eUSA launched that missile strike on Croatia:

All I can that wasn't pretty that day which many right now still dealing with the effects and consequences but to some it's been speculated they have not learned their lesson. They burned the White House down on one or more times on occasion and blame the Canadians (I think?). Once the Klingons crossed the Delaware River but no one noticed. But there are no Klingons in America to speak of but they have honor; like the select elitist minority they have no honor. The situation eUSA is in now being occupied by our enemies. the joke is now on elitists since that has been established a few weeks ago.

There was a time myself I was censured under a previous account where I was previously known as Schubacca. I emigrated to Japan which stayed there for awhile and then decided to return after a brief absence to which originally I wasn't planning to return. My return did not happen because I was censured for illegally allowing in citizens not approved and they considered that a sticking point to turn down my re-entry. When in chat when I recall Rainy Sunday (I think that was her but could be wrong but it was WTP member at the time) asked what I did wrong she said "wrong answer". When I was away from the game for awhile I forgot details but took it as that rubbed me the wrong way especially like that when we are trapped in our own cynicism of others it only gives this bad impression about eUSA throughout the game to other eNations. That's when we become no better than the elitists. Not all the top majority are bad people. It's just some select elitist they think they are better than others and control how things are done like the EUSA forums along side eRep game itself. Like so many they only deem those that feel worthy in their own eyes to help our country. Yes they felt I was unworthy as a former SFP member at the time which they greatly despise along with WTP, BSP and so forth in later party ranking. In response I created this new account which all of you know me as King James88. They don't look beyond to see any citizens if they are innocent or not but a purity test in their own view led yes by the citizen named after a flying animal wish I don't want to repeat.

Before I left to Japan I was a witness to a SFP uprising against the government which led to many Socialist Freedom Party members to being blacklisted. It was also a time when Gnilraps joined the party. The oppressive elitist regime denied our party's voices because they felt compelled to act. I never participated in the rebel uprising. The way the treat eUSA citizens is way they treat foreign citizens abroad dealing in foreign affairs. They back stab them in the back hoping no one would notice but they did notice. This is why EUSA is under occupation today for many reasons. It is them who are corrupt to which we have fallen off that tree of liberty. So much dishonor to disgrace spitting over America's name. Everything dumb thing eUSA elite has done has come to bite us and now paying a huge price. Now it is time to free them from the blacklist because it is only a tool in the chest used by the elitist to control those they hate or despise. Have a truthfully run IES system. Overall we can do better PERIOD!

EUSA as a nation have become to cynical of others and oppressing them of differing opinions or just because they feel they are peasants beneath them. The blacklist, the IES, censuring, and such have become the biggest joke of a tool in the elitist tool box to hold back an oppressed minority. The way we treat our allies and our citizens effects how successful we are as a nation and it bite it right in the ass. Now EUSA is in danger of becoming Jurassic Park if we don't turn this around and start gaining allies to remain truthfully faithful to without back stabbing them.

I know this article may not matter to much anyone in the select elitist minority few group. This is my voice. These are my views. If it doesn't matter then America deserves to be occupied until it actually starts getting it. This is my two cents because I care for the game I consider fun. At the expense of the select elitist minority few group you are ruining all the fun marking our extinction by allowing your indominus T-Rex hybrid roam freely that you have morphed into trashing the place and look where it got us......OCCUPATION BY OUR ENEMIES!

This is our twilight zone. We will be forever trapped in it unless we figure out needed solutions to get out of it. Actually act like the eNation would should be. If there is any goodness in the soul of eUSA left let's rise up and escape the twilight zone.

Bless eUSA and good luck! Hope we don't get eaten by the dinosaurs!