[eUK] Gali's People's Front of the Falklands

Day 2,787, 06:18 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Gali.

If anyone could make any graphics for the community PM that'd be great.

Well, it turns out that the start of this 'community PM' operation has been a resounding success. I sent out over fifty PMs to people across the eUK, and I got almost fifty replies saying that they'd like to get involved.

Akhenaten ruining the mixtape

Those of you that saw my PMs will have noticed that I asked you for a name suggestion, I got a decent amount of replies and suggestions, here they are-

Jake Lee Blakeway= "The eUK steering committee"
Max Blue= "The Group, 'The' PM, Community, Your Opinion"
Sir Humphrey Appleby= "Gali's People's Front of the Falklands"
Mad Pauly= "South Gerogia Appreciation Society"
SubtleBlade= "eUK Recovery Plan(ing)"
Roahchford= "Bob"
Colin ChipPhilfer Brown= (A ton of buzzwords...idk 😛)
Dave Trenga= "Mustache Man Saves eUK"
Massacar= "The dreamteam"
Rob the Bruce= "C.U.N.T.B.L.A.S.T.E.R"
Luke Braferd= "eUK's Elite Wanker"
KearoB= "JGSoPADPU" PM= Jolly good show of pretending Argentina didn't pump us"
Scarfar= "Stuff"
Ron Swanson= "The Round Table"
VooDooMike71= (Don't ask me)
BaronChris= "Oldfags to the Rescue" (I think)

I must admit, I was torn between "Moustache Man Saves eUK", "The Dreamteam", and the infinitely charming "C.U.N.T.B.L.A.S.T.E.R", but in the end "Gali's People's Front of the Falklands" won it (possibly because it's got my name in it but idk).

I have made good progress in drafting the structure and organisation of the community, carefully constructing the PMs to include the correct characters and personalities in order for this to work. After all, communities are often formulae. For instance, put a sporty person with fifty avid anime fans and they're likely to start watching more anime and start playing a little bit less sport. Or, put a group of close friends in a PM and they're likely to get some friendly banter and discussion going on- it always depends on the personalities involved.

The Gali's People's Front of the Falklands (GPFF) will be organised into two PM threads, each including a range of players from all walks of life. Furthermore, whilst not wanting to over-load people with PMs, I will be setting up an administration, or directors PM of people who I think would be helpful in that area. The admin PM will be tasked with deciding on topics to discuss to prevent the conversation from going stale, whilst allowing it to develop naturally without trying to force anything. Hopefully, this will result in a flourishing of activity in the future.

I've tried to include as many people as possible in this, but if you haven't been included and would like to take part, please PM me ASAP as I'm setting the PMs up at the earliest opportunity.

I may be without internet over the weekend, so don't be surprised if I disappear!
