#687 Mosadeq Was There and just let himself Lose

Day 5,869, 04:26 Published in Canada Slovakia by Rylde

Kind of hard to get anywhere when one of my greatest allies is allied with my greatest enemy. Not worth my time anymore.

Always respect your enemies when they dont respect you

#687 Day 5874 Mosadeq Was There and just let himself Lose

#686 Day 5874 Ginoraf3000 found Hiding in UAE

#685 Day 5874 Timotieu Thats what you get for interfering with my sniping.

#684 Day 5874 Kippers Slapped around for ther lulz

#683 Day 5873 TemujinBC rolls Over and Takes It

#682 Day 5872 Code-Y Honorably robbing offliners

#681 Day 5871 TemujinBC Smoking tem the last few days

#680 Day 5871 Timotieu The Imperial March Continues

#679 Day 5870 TemujinBC caught napping again

#678 Day 5870 Uncle Bob 25 The Imperial March Continues

#676 Day 5870 Henrici The Imperial March Continues

#676 Day 5869 TemujinBC Keep donating

#675 Day 5869 TemujinBC Run your mouth and get shot down