Interview with Ms. Coco Kaleidoscore - eTaiwan MoFA

Day 6,061, 18:24 Published in Republic of China (Taiwan) Brazil by Bortolazzi

My people, this is Bortolazzi, the friend of your cloudy mornings. All you want is a hug, a warm toddy and a cup of coffee on your back.
These days, I've been called misogynistic/anthological/analogical... And why? Because I've never interviewed a woman. So I, who love women more than anything. I almost had a stroke.

This taboo will be broken today!

But for now, I'll introduce myself. My name is Bortolazzi, my dream has always been to dance ballet, but when I was 8 years old I weighed 4 and a half arrobas. Then one day...

Then I was already crying, let me put away my pink scarf. Anyway, today I will bring an illustrious GUEST. She is from eTaiwan, is the current MoFA and the ePresident's right-hand woman. Ladies and Gentlemen, Miss. COCO KALEIDOSCORE

Grab your warm nescau (or your cold sparkling water), and enjoy reading.

--- Good morning. First, thank you for taking the time to answer this series of questions. To start, tell us a little about your history here at Erepublik and what encouraged you to join Erepublik? And how long have you been on the platform?

+++ Hello everyone, I'm Coco Kaleidoscore, the current MoFA of eTaiwan. I've been playing this game for over 14 years, but I was always a 2-click player until I joined the eTaiwan cabinet last year and started taking the game more seriously. A friend initially introduced me to the game, but he quickly left, leaving me to play on my own for over a decade.

--- At first, did it take a while for you to get used to the game and make friends? Tell us a little about what you learned, to help newbies who are just starting out in the game (and who will join in the future).

+++ After returning to the game, it took me several months to adapt (slowly), including the game mechanics and socialization. After joining the cabinet, I began to understand the international situation, diplomatic rules and so on. The eTaiwan community has detailed tutorials for the game, which helped me quickly get up to speed with the game.

--- You are the current MoFA of your country, and the president of eTaiwan fdn999 He has great confidence in you, as he appointed you to answer for him. What were your campaign proposals, and what changes occurred during the president's term? fdn999 And with your experience gained as a MoFA, what are the biggest difficulties you have faced so far?

+++ My policy is mainly focused on maintaining eTaiwan's peaceful diplomatic relations and promoting relationships between our country and others through training wars. The most challenging part was when I became MOFA for the first time (December 2023). Due to my lack of understanding of the international situation, I spent a lot of time learning about the international scene and various developments in eWorld.

--- You were once the ePresident of your eCountry. What did you manage to change during your term? And what lessons did you learn to help in the current term of ePresidente fdn999?

+++ During my tenure, I have essentially maintained consistent policies across our office. Our country's team structure is unique. The cabinet is convened by the current vMoFA, Ena Mizukami (she streams on Discord, so there's no link), and we all take turns serving as president and ministers of various departments (although I'm primarily responsible for the foreign affairs system). Our cabinet mechanism is flatter, meaning we don't have a hierarchical relationship; we are all partners working together.

--- During all the time you have been active in the game, have you seen “strange” things in your country's government? (Whether in the past or more in the present).

+++ There were some strange things. For example, some national players depended on multiple accounts to farm Medals in our training wars, which hindered the development space for our citizens. The cabinet at the time tried very hard to solve this problem. It also showed me that some people can be quite obsessed with this game.

Ps.: I know A LOT of people like this 😃 😉

--- Your country is currently part of the Alliance Pacífica. Has it been good being with them? Is there anything you would like to change?

+++ It's been very good; We get along well with all Pacifica members, and they are all good partners. However, there is a lack of communication between our alliance members. It would be even better if we could be more active.

--- You recently declared "war" against Germany. Could you explain to us a little more about this?

+++ Germany is our long-term training war partner, so NE (Neutral Enemy) status is just a strategic necessity to gain battle bonuses. We do epic dogfights with Germany every Tuesday, not out of hostility, but "out of love."

--- You approved a peace treaty with the Netherlands (Netherlands). Tell us a little about this achievement.

+++ The peace treaty with the Netherlands represents a pause in the training war between Taiwan and the Netherlands and has no other special significance. We hope to continue cooperating with the Netherlands in the future.

--- You approved a peace treaty with the Netherlands. Tell us a little about this achievement.

+++ The peace treaty with the Netherlands represents a pause in the training war between Taiwan and the Netherlands and has no other special significance. We hope to continue cooperating with the Netherlands in the future.

Now comes a break to go to the bathroom, wash your hands (you pigs!!), drink a coffee and eat a bagel lightly.

--- Well, leaving Erepublik for a bit, I would like to ask you something more personal. Could you tell us which city you live in? If so, tell us about your city, what the culture, tourism and main sources of income are like. Can you tell us a little about your country?

+++ I live in New Taipei City, a large city surrounding the capital, Taipei City. New Taipei City is one of the municipalities in Taiwan and has the largest population among them. It is currently led by Mayor Hou You-yi of the Kuomintang (KMT). New Taipei City's economy is mainly based on tertiary industry (service industry). The New Taipei City government is located in Banqiao District, which is also the most populous district in New Taipei City, with a population of 550,000. As for the main religion, currency and language, they are no different from Taiwan as a whole.

View of New Taipei City at night. Xiaobitan subway station is the building with the curved roof, to the right of the center

Ps.: Just out of curiosity, in Taiwan, the predominant religions are Buddhism, 35% — Taoism, 33% — Others, 32%. The main currency is the New Taiwan Dollar (TWD), and the official language is Chinese (Mandarin), but there is signage in English on streets and public transport.

--- In relation to the current reality of the world, China sees Taiwan as a “Rebel Province”, which will suffer consequences if it declares independence, while Taiwan claims that it has been independent for decades, with its own elections and constitution. What is your view of the real situation in your country today?

+++ Due to the long-standing political divisions in Taiwan in reality and the controversies resulting from divisions in political views among our citizens in the game, I will not elaborate further on this issue.

--- Well, what about the world in general, what would you like to change, if you could choose?

+++ I wish the world was like ancient Greece, with all city-states implementing direct democracy. Since our citizens in the game are almost all Taiwanese in real life, with people from all walks of life, if we are talking about whether it resembles the real world, I can only say that it is quite similar.

--- Who are your favorite artists? Do you have any tips (whether from films/books) that you would like to share with us?

+++ I don't have any particular preference for art. However, if we are talking about books, my favorite is "L'Étranger" (The Stranger), written by Albert Camus. The absurd world he described is basically consistent with my view of this world.

--- How do your Taiwanese friends describe Brazil?

+++ Most Taiwanese people have the impression that Brazil is very strong in football and has beautiful carnivals.

--- Last but not least: how do you see Brazil, from your perspective? Do you know anything about the country in terms of diversity, culture, music? Share your opinion with us.

+++ I believe that Brazil has great potential to become a world power. However, limited by the geographic environment of the Southern Hemisphere and the political environment of the South American region over the years, it will inevitably face various challenges on its development path. Still, I am very anxious for Brazil to make progress in this direction. Due to language barriers, my understanding of the current situation in Brazil is still insufficient and may mainly remain on the stereotypical impressions that people generally have of Brazil. However, if given the opportunity, I would love to gain a deeper understanding of Brazilian culture.
--- Before we finish, is there any message for our readers, your friends and the community who will read this interview?

+++ Due to the game mechanics having stagnated for many years, more and more players are leaving eRepublik or have already started treating it as social software. However, I still hope that everyone can use this game as a means to meet more friends from different countries.

BORTOLAZZI: Thank you very much for your time, much peace and health to you and everyone around you.
WELL, we have reached the end of this article. I hope you enjoyed. I'll stay here. A kiss, for those who liked it, and 50 slaps on the butt for those who didn't like it. If you have any questions, opinions, support or just want to sponsor me as my sugar daddy, send me a message and I will respond to everyone. (if not more than 5).
Ps.: Leave your comment so we can reach 25 comments. Thank you very much kittens and kittens.


QUOTE OF THE WEEK: "Is it just imagination? Will nothing happen? Is it all in vain? Will we be able to win? Uoh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh..." - Urbana, Legião.


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