Do Prestige Points sparkle?

2 days ago Published in USA Canada by TestOneTestTwo

Being fairly new to the game, I decided to look into the topic of Prestige Points. Mostly for my own benefit and hopefully to make someone smile.

In the land of eRepublik prestige points are the digital bling top players deck themselves out in. These points are a cape of glory that endow bragging rights upon their owner. The battles fought to earn prestige can be as precise as a sharp sword or as chaotic as a middle school food fight. And let's not forget about the glorious loot. The extra energy and piles of gold and combat stashes will boost both your digital ego and arsenal. I love how it resets every week, but not when I forget how short my weeks can be.

Why did the eRepublik player drag a ladder unto the battlefield?

Because he heard the prestige points were through the roof!