[Nifty] All is not as it seems with a Mr. N Lewis....

Day 2,935, 11:34 Published in United Kingdom Hungary by Nifty.

People of the eUK,

This CP election this month sees us choose between three candidates; the first and second are our very own Aaron Mark Daniels and Aleksandar V.Popovic. Aaron is of course world famous for his ability to charm girls with Ed Miliband quotes, while Alex’s ability to name every ABBA song ever made is a magnificent quality for a potential CP.

The third candidate is, well, rather less inspiring. It’s Neil ‘I just want the CP Medal’ Lewis. Neil has run many times for the Presidency as medal hunters do, and each time he has a particular gimmick.There was the ‘I don’t have any policies’ run, the I’ll pick all the ministers from Congress’ run; and who could forget the classic'Pictures of Beer and Boobs'run?

This month is no different, the gimmick is ‘No members of Nifty in my cabinet’

Not only is this stupid, arbitrarily excluding almost all the experienced ministers who have spent months improving the eUK in government, it’s also yet anotherNeil Lewis election lie

Ah, so it’s only Nifty-free for as long as it takes you to win the election, before you do an about-turn as soon as you get the medal? Consider yourself rumbled Neil….

Neil of course has a history of trying to win elections through outright lies,as we saw with his deliberate fabrication that Addaway was planning to decimate MU communes by hiking Work Tax to 10%.

eUKers, you might want to think twice before voting for an egotistical player who will say and do anything if it means he gets to play with the toys for a month.
