Work Together

Day 774, 16:40 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm

Hello Great citizens of Ireland How are we?

I am General (of about 10 mins) orangejuicemmm, to be frank I'm a disgrace to the fighting Irish. With a terrible fight/damage ratio of of 538(fights)/ 25016(Damage).

This is terrible I know, The reason - I have cavan blood in me so at the beginning of my eLikfe I em well didn't spend it on weapons, to this day I still only buy q1 food and have a q2 house heh, I sound like a pure bred cavan man heh.

But I with your help hope to change this, with the recent Presidential elections closing in on us there has been alot of division and fighting among us the citizens on eIreland. This is unacceptable we all work to better our country, yes some more than others but our main goal is the same, to better eIreland.

So what am I proposing, I am proposing that us citizens of Ireland work to get me to Field marshall status and show all those haters that we can as a country work together and achieve a goal.

This is a team building excersise and maybe the beginning of a Goverment scheme to make Ireland stronger as come on we lack FM's.

So If you wanna take part in this fund donate random bit sof currency to Authority Singapura and help me on my way.

Cheers, no need to take this so serious guys just a little thing to lighten up our news heh.

Love yis all, may good fortune be bestowed upon all those who deserve it.

orangejuicemmm 😃