Women of TC Calendar - January

Day 1,083, 21:55 Published in USA USA by Synesi
Women of the TC Calendar - coming soon

This is a first in a series featuring the Women of the TC - a look at 12 of the hot wimmenz that help(ed) run the US Training Corps and train incoming recruits into raging Serb destroying machines. Each article will feature one of the monthly TC babes - what they do in the TC an how much the kick ass. Our TC January Woman of the Month is:

Agent Washington

AW as she is affectionately known in #tc the official chat room of the Training Corp, is a Master Sergeant assigned as Executive officer of the 111th Platoon - the Browncoats - in the 11th Company of the Training Division.

As XO of a Training Division platoon Agent Washington uses a combination of a pat on the back and a kick in the rear to make sure the incoming trainees learn how to obey orders, stay motivated and fight for the good ol' eUSA!

AW why did you join the Training Corps?

As we all know the Training Corps is awesome, they are friendly, welcoming, and sometimes still incredulous that I am a girl. When I joined I was getting pretty bored and pretty lonely in game. I didn't know many people and all I did was push buttons and wonder what the point was. I saw this in DoD orders one day and just made a choice to check it out. Trying something new usually doesn't kill people (I guess it could... but that's beside the point) so I just went for it and here I am. May I just say this was my greatest idea EVER! (no lies ^.^)

Why did you stay on as an officer?

I stayed on as an officer because the Training Corps is what pulled me into this game, part of that is having friends and getting that start into the fun aspect of things. The official tc chat room really is a great place for that, sometimes it makes sense, other times it's just insanity. I wanted to give others who are new, or even who have been around a while, but want something more out of the game (much like myself) the same chance I had with the rest of the amazing officers of the Training Corps. Someday I hope that someone else can look back and remember me as a lasting influence in their early elife like I can say for several Training Corps officers. To me it's about making a difference, not necessarily being the very best person in the room. That's what I'm here to do. Also I will convert the USTC to loving pie, none of this silly cake business. And maybe conquer the world with cookies, that would be a fun adventure, we have lots of cookies here.

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