Women of TC Calendar - February

Day 1,088, 20:55 Published in USA USA by Synesi
Women of the TC Calendar - coming soon

This is a first in a series featuring the Women of the TC - a look at 12 of the hot wimmenz that help(ed) run the US Training Corps and train incoming recruits into raging Serb destroying machines. Each article will feature one of the monthly TC babes - what they do in the TC an how much the kick ass. Our TC February Woman of the Month is:


Talvari is a 2nd Lieutenant assigned as Platoon Commanding Officer of the 124th Platoon - the Diablos - aka the Inferno Boss - in the 12th Company of the Training Division.

Tal watches over her platoon, guiding them with a gentle hand all the while holding the thread of firey doom over them if they fail. Ask anyone who's had the...fortune of being assigned to the 124th and they will tell you that Tal helped make them the machine 'o death they are today.

Lieutenant Talvari - Why did you join the TC and why have you stayed on as an officer?

Cookies, of course!! Nah. I actually joined erepublik in October of '09, but didnt really do much with it. Since I was stuck home most of the time, I wanted to get more involved. I joined the Flying Unicorn Squadron in February, and started to learn more about the branches of military. The TC was highly recommended, so I applied. Immediately, I was accepted into the "community", as it were, and was able to become alot more involved in the game.

I was active in the TC chat in the IRC right off the bat and talked to alot of the officers.. They were all amazing. Dmjohnston talked alot with me and liked how active I was so he asked if I wanted to be his XO. I accepted and started off as the XO of the 122nd. Then I took over for dmj as the CO when he stepped down... Really, though, its because the TC needs its Wimminz!

I really think everyone should try out for the TC. Its a great stepping stone into all other aspects of the game. You meet great people, have fun, and of course, there are Cookies!!!!

Thanks Lieutenant.

Keep an eye out for the next Women of TC calendar preview you never know which one of our many hot babes will be featured next month.

Disclaimer: Another picture of Talvari was supposed to be posted. Regretfully, after initial testing results, it was clear we could not post this picture. The picture resulted in several heart attacks in men as all their blood rushed...south...

If you want to know what we are talking about and see that picture - JOIN TC!