Why Vote OLloyd

Day 1,374, 03:46 Published in Canada Canada by OLloyd

Here are a few reasons you should vote for OLloyd in this congressional election in Prince Edward Island...
1. I am active, since joining the game I have not missed a day working or training!
2. I am an active member of the TCO.
3. I think the current congress has raised our taxes too much, and I will work hard to lower that tax.
4. There needs to be benefits to being an eCanadian and congress has taken away or prevented benefits at almost every turn! We need to keep an active NE so all our fighters can be stronger for the next time ePoland tries to wipe us out again!
5. Cause I know all you eCanadians want to see some eye candy, so here it is!

Vote it up and VOTE OLloyd!

My competition is 00AngryMobMan00, he has been an eCitizen for 27 months now and has only earned 5 hardworker awards...He has only 8 Super Solder awards...he has been around for 27 MONTHS! And he has served in congress 5 times! This is why congress is a do nothing group!