Why is eSerbia trying to conquer eCroatia?

Day 681, 04:23 Published in Croatia North Korea by conrexx
In past few weeks we have been the witnesses of eSerbian actions against eCroatia, which could be described in one simple photo (1 photo equals 1000 words)

What led to this actions?
Maybe the pressure brought up on the eSerbia government by their e-babies, whose unseen courage is a bit questionable

Or even worse, maybe eSerbia elite unit "White Eagles" (or as i like to call them feathered aviation) were taken over by their young ones and now they are in their command

My conclusion is, when their e-babies joined Erepublik, they brought with themselves some of RL issues into this game, and more experienced players gave up under the pressure.

More experienced eSerbs, get sober, you where besotted with the fantasies of your young ones.

So, the main reason why eSerbia is trying to conquer eCroatia is to please eSerb e-babies. I gues they are trying to arouse more interest for Erepublik with this actions.

But the older eSerbs should of known better. Next time think before you try to invade eCroatia, because trying to invade eCroatia is like entering a dead end alley!