Why I Am Running For RFC President

Day 320, 16:00 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

After I announced my candidacy for the RFC party president someone asked asked me “Why are you running when you have already lost twice?” Well for any of you who are wondering why I am running for the RFC presidency here are my beliefs and my logic.

Fellow RFC members

I am tired of our party not living up to its potential and I want to bring this party back to the top level of American politics. This party used to be the most active and now our activity levels have plummeted with us having to fight to stay relevant in American politics and unfortunately this is a fight we are losing. Every day the USWP and the libertarians gain ground on us and unless we want to see our political structure erode into a two party system we must take action. Falling into a two party system will have grave consequences for out nation. We have already started to see this with the new people who tend to just vote for their party rather then making an informed vote. If the gap between us and the top two parties grows too wide we will eventually reach a point where the amount of blind party line voters of the major parties will be insufferable and we will have no chance of winning in the general elections. I do not want this to happen.

We need to be an active and informed party. Our past leadership has done little to encourage activity compared to the programs that Dish had implemented in his day. I have come up with a few ways that we can bolster activity within the party through competitions, programs, and simple communication. Without our members we are nothing and if we do not listen to them and get them involved and contributing to the party we are just wasting them and hurting the party. If we keep them informed about what we are doing and how they can help they may be more likely to win in congressional elections now that we are going to start electing congressmen head to head instead of by party once V1 is released.

Now you know why we need a new leader now let me tell you why I should be that leader. I have been around longer then any other contender in this race, TGM may of been the vice president for one term but I have served as general of the marines and been the secretary of state for two terms and have been involved in politics since before the war module was even introduced into this game. I have played through five different administrations with my role under each one varying. I have done a good deal of work for this country and learned a lot from it. Therefore I know that I can lead this party back to where it used to be and I therefore I am going to run, and even if I do end up losing I will keep trying to better this party and this great nation of ours. For the needs of the majority outweigh the needs of the few.

Our party is falling into mediocrity and if we are to pull ourselves out of this downward spiral we must stay true to our name and make a change. The road to success for our party is a long and difficult one. I can't promise you that we will suddenly start competing with the libertarians and USWP over night but I can promise you that I will work to get your voice heard in matters of the RFC and that I will get us on the right path so that rather then settle for 10% of the seats in the next congressional elections we will be able to give them one hell of a run for congressional seats and then get us back in the battle of the white house. That my fellow party members is why I am running.

~~~ Desertfalcon
RFC Party President Candidate