Why Gnilraps is still wrong!

Day 3,153, 09:25 Published in USA USA by Goddess Dilvany

Gnilraps is still wrong!
All Gnilraps did was write an article that just elaborated on the math I did above. If you read my article I actually dispelled the volume myth. Gnilraps would like to say that I should of not made my article so mean at the start. I think that I was well deserved for saying the Gnilraps has no idea what he is really talking about. He just produced a little math showing you would make higher profits, which I already presented my math in agreement. Gnilraps addressed Zero of my points in that we must create incentive structures.

We all know that economies can have functional cheaters in Gnilraps plan. So why not be a cheater when you can lose out on that extra profit. Sure maybe it could affect your future, but if you don't imagine what everyone else would do. That is my argument. Think its silly well then please research these things.

The prisoner's dilemma
The tragedy of the commons

I called Gnilraps out for his pollution formula btw because it was careless and obviously not thought out. Sure was it not crucial to his argument, yes. The point is that if he going to be careless and make obvious errors isn't that a sign of problems to come.

My man Jkeller made a I don't know if it was an accidental point or intentional. I am not sure what side he is on in this debate. Anyway... Gnilraps could stop cheating by pricing so low that it means cheaters will lose money. This is another solution that could work, but just like the government solution it really does not help anyone it just forces people into forced poverty and misery.

People often propose situations they think can help people. I am all in favor of Gnilraps wanting to try his plan. I am behind him 100% if he wants to try this. I am just pointing out that people will probably want to cheat and ruin it for everyone. I just think that his plan is naive and under thought out.

Gnilraps should not be uncalled out when he has a top article with such a plan. This is especially true to the fact that he has earned more money and got more votes for his articles than I have. I am trying to do real economic journalism here and provide people with good skeptical information. If Gnilraps wants to continue to not understand my points and people want to follow him despite me arguing for good well established economic points.

Here is a good introduction I found on youtube that should help people understand the points that I am making.

Prisoner's Dilemma