Why am I still here?

Day 1,058, 03:56 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Jhorlin

This is perhaps an interesting twist on the wave of "Reasons to Play" articles that I've seen. I came to wonder why, after everything that goes wrong, after everything I disagree with, do I keep coming back and logging in to this game?

Political, Military, Economic Niche

I've found that the time I spend doing each of the above activites ebbs and flows. For example, when I started to play, I focussed solely on the economic aspect, building myself a business empire. Then, I moved to politics, and then to the military, and then back to politics, and now I'm going full circle back to economics. I think a huge part of why I continue to play is that when I get fed up with one aspect of the game, I shift my focus to another.

If you're getting bored and losing faith in the game, try switching your focus. Try something new.

The Community

Frankly, this is unbeatable. I have no idea what my reputation is amongst the community now - I've gone from outsider, to rogue, to hard worker, to military guru, to political troll, to whatever people think of me now. Yet, I have friends here, and moreover, I have friends amongst my enemies. Some of the most fun I've had in this community have been with TUP members, because in the end, that is what opposition is about. If we all agreed all of the time then we'd have a very boring time here. An active and healthy opposition forces you to raise your game, think things through fully, and enage with policy.

Moreover, the individuals in this country are mad. Bizarre. Insane. Which makes them unique, and encourages you to stick around. Even IndieKid who used to troll me so much that he practically lived under a bridge, I now find amiable. It's strange how the community draws you in.

For those readers who are uninitiated with the eUK community, get involved on the forums, or on IRC (Rizon IRC - #euk).

The Admins

Frankly, the eUK attitude towards the admins is quintessentially British. It seems to me that whatever the admins do, it's bad for us, and we have to not only put up with it, but try to find a way to continue to improve. It is this innovation, this will to succeed despite adverse circumstance, which is most encouraging of all. Whatever happens, we Keep Calm and Carry On. Jolly good.

Mandatory Party Politics Section

With the PP elections coming up, and UKRP seemingly about to enter our annual Dark Age of politics once more, I'm glad to see that TUP are emerging from their recession. The Kara/Woldy tag team running TUP, even for somebody such as I who fundamentally disagrees with much of their policy, is a very encouraging sight. To see such capable players continuing to want to be involved, is a shining beacon to all of us to encourage us to not only keep going, but to continue to reach for the top.

And I leave you with this: if you're not happy with how things are run, get involved, and change it. I dare you to do better.

See you on the forums!


I accidently a kitten to raise my credibility