Why am I so weak? Investigations - For Newbies!

Day 2,016, 19:48 Published in Switzerland Austria by Kaad

Dear readers,

With the NE and RW in DS, I did more than 10M for Switzerland. But I was pretty impressed to see D4 players hitting 2M with 100ff...

Today, I fought for Chile, supplied with q7. I did a 250k damage only and using all my health. Well, this is a constat: I do not have the strenght to be in D3, and limit to be in D2... But why?

When I began eRep, in August 2012, I was only loggin for working & training, that some people caled the 2 clics mode. I spend gold won in working for stupid health recovering when I fought. But I was only able to fought each 3-4 days because of the lack of food. That's why I decided to spend my golds in building companies. I had another q1 company, then bought raw materials and finaly transformed a q2 company in January 2013. At that time, I started to fight everyday, without weappons. So I spent golds in a q1 weappons that became quickly q2. March, I was fighting everyday, I was leveling up quickly, but I only had q1 training center. My strengh was very very low, but I didn't care a lot, because I wasn't there to do damage. So I made it Q2 because I had enough gold and I was producing enough food for fighting everyday.

But I was told recently that I should have already a Q4 TC. I udapted last weak into q4, after 9 month of play. And I really understood why I should have done that before with the Slovenian attack. It was the first time I was using supplies and I was dealing low damage uless using q7. This is sad to say, but maybe I won't have a lot of BH chance anymore, since I'm growing fast to get in D4.

I just looked the weekly national ranking, I'm ranked 7th with 2,264 xp earned in the past week. It means that I could be lvl 34 (I'm quite 32) in one month because I'm wining 2 lvls/month which is pretty good.

This was a huge mistake, and If I could come back, I would certainly change my play.

I'm sending this message to new players, upgrade your training center FIRST, before everything! Don't fight, train, you will get easy Bh and help a lot your country to win.

Please, vote and shout to make it know to new players.

For a better erepublik play,
Kaad, CM, CoI and DoE of Switzerland.