Day 1,165, 02:52 Published in Romania Croatia by Crocky

Hello my dear friends and respected readers,

A wise man (sorry for not remembering his name) said that the present time is where you are and no matter how many assets or opportunities you might have elsewhere, you should live, enjoy and find fun in the place or the moment you are living in.

What I was trying to say is quite easy to be understood by almost every single one of you. There were times in this game when you could have made strategies, blitzkriegs, to attack and to be attacked in the most unexpected ways and moments. Strategies were changing at every two hours or even more frequent. This place used to be a community in which the ultimate goal was to have fun. The final outcome used to be measured in the levels of fun every side achieved. Yeah, of course, in medals, as well. We could have published articles in every country we wanted, depending on the message's purpose. Every single player could have been involved in strategy if he would have wanted.
What etimes we were living.

I was spending at least 4 hours each day just to wait and see what will be the next strategy or movement. I had a lot of fun. Articles were written differently(of course there were heaps of trolling exceptions), but generally the message was better. The differences between players' funding weren't that big. I know that everything in life sooner or later will face some substantial changes but not at every 24 hours. Until 2 days ago, I didn't know that skills are not split anymore.

The war module changed so many times that I don't even remember all the versions I played.
Economic module was displaying at one point the GDP of every single country. It was nice to know with a certain precision what is the economic potential of your opponent.
Many things were making sense.

I don't say that all the good things disappeared. Some of them became better. But some became terrible and incredible dully. For instance, how can someone earn the campaign hero medal without investing real money in the game. Ok....give to investors advantages...but let the small buffalo to keep the dream alive. Otherwise he will fell frustrated and discriminated due to his RL economic possibilities and either will leave ER or he will be starting to cheat. Otherwise you can release a DVD and make it commercial. End of story!

I think everyone got the message. We used to have fun and most of it now is gone. Many of us are still playing because after 2 or 3 years it is just like a job...or a bad habit.
I still have resources to play the game but the will is running out slowly.

So, everyone, admins, players....let's change something to re-bring the fun in the game. We are addicted already but we're starting to heal.....day by day...

I don't care what are your plans for the future, we are playing it now......tomorrow we might not be here anymore!

Thanks all for reading

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