We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore

Day 2,029, 19:05 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine

Mood Music

My Tribute to Josh
Yesterday Josh Whitehead said good bye to eRep, many will probably say "who cares, he was nothing important," and to be blunt I don't care what those people think, for they can take there over controlling selves and go sit in the corner, this is for Josh who was my friend, and a good person. A person I enjoyed talking too, a person I could joke with, and at least half the reason I ever had a radio show to begin with. Without knowing Josh I'd have never joined South Africa, he made this country sound fun, the party I support in South Africa, was one Josh was invested in, so I will continue to support it in his honor. But further this article is in his honor.
Play for yourself
If I can pass on a valuable less that can be learned from Josh Whitehead, it is that as players we should play for ourselves, we should play to have fun, serve the interests of your nation, but indeed have fun. Maybe you won't reach a high level of achievements, but does that matter if you are having fun? I don't think it does. If someone puts you down for how many medals you do or don't have they are either jealous or just a jerk, and if you are one of those people, you should seriously re-evaluate your own life, because after all this is a game. The heck with those who seek to control things like tyrants for ever staying in power to feel important, the heck with the rogue threats who basically want to take the power for themselves, play the game like the game it is, have fun with those you consider friends, and when you do leave, go out the way you want to go out, don't let someone force you out, or make you feel bad for moving on.

In Other News
A Mazzy Cat Invades Denmark

The Midget King talks Unity

Gnilraps pays tribute to my awesomeness, ok not really, but it is a good article.
Rumors of the Week
Xavier Griffith frequents Asian bathhouses

DraimAlexander spends last days as NaN Consul blowing money on glow and kooguy time.

Zombinho rumored to have disappeared in woods, found week later streaking at college party.

youngHood once again rumored to have been involved in mass ogry, this time it was believed the special kool-aid was involved at nights ends for none of the suspected participants could be found afterwards, aside from Hood himself.

Finally, all of Seal Team Six is rumored to have spent the weekend at Sea World.
All Rumors mentioned in the Rumors of the week section are for pure fun, they are meant to provide humor to a sometimes dry game, if you found any of them offensive, I couldn't care less really 😃

South Africa