Watching the Wheels (Go Round and Round)

Day 768, 01:24 Published in USA USA by Jude Connors
Bugs Continue
Crazy Russians!
Join the US military, Save the world!
eUSA Army Enlistment
Economics 101

More bugs put more wrenches in the eUSA's ability to attack today, and we continued to be screwed by the monstrosity that is the actual game. Seems to me, more and more bugs are costing us more and more. Good think this game isn't pay-to-play, right?


According to Lieutenant Scheisskopf and his paper, Stars and Stripes Journal, "For the second time in as many weeks, an eRussian motion to impeach the permabanned President 4epT failed to pass with the necessary 66% approval...". This is epic fail of the most epic fail. I don't follow foreign affairs too closely, so I don't know what is going on over there in eRussia. I am betting that most people keeping a close eye on that are also flabbergasted. Either way, this opens yet another opportunity in the war. Unfortunately, I am confident that bugs will not allow the eUSA to capitalize on the poor play of one of our most hated of enemies.

If you missed the article in The Army Times or his own paper, The Federalist Papers, Gaius Julius - the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff - is inviting all eAmericans to Enlist in the eUSA Military. CJCS Gaius Julius said, "One common complaint is that the US military does not take enough new players or does not have room for everyone. This is partially true, we cant hold the 3500-5000 eUS players. However the US military is ALWAYS recruiting. Now is a very exciting time as a number of branches are expanding." The military icon then goes into detail about each of the branches of service. This is a very informative article by someone who DEFINITELY knows what he is talking about. Check it out!

As a recent eUSA Army enlistee waiting his official Letter of Acceptance, I ask all eAmericans to join some branch of the eUSA military. So far, I have been in the Training Corp, the Reserves, and the Home Guard. Plenty of people complain about the state of our military and/or government, but few do anything about it. Joining and serving in the eUSA military is one way to do your part. It is also an incredible learning experience.

Just recently, someone who is often as annoying as a Grain of Sand in a bikini sent me a message that actually questioned my hippie-ism. I had traded my " beads for a... suit, more worried about covering your own ass and building your career than standing up for what you believe." Obviously, this is coming form someone who has neither talked to me recently nor seen any of the citizen help organizations that I am a volunteer of. NOT to mention that he must sleep under a rock to have not heard of The Salvation Army Project.

I want to make one thing perfectly clear to this individual: I AM NO MAN'S LACKEY!!! As a Congressman, I became the Director of the United States Skill 0 Job Hub. As the Chairman of the Congressional Government Oversight Committee, I fought for greater government oversight and public disclosure. I've helped countless eAmericans with my work in the USA Welcoming Committee, Flying Unicorn Squadron, and Meals on Wheels.Prior to the last eUSA POTUS election, both Josh Frost and Jewitt knew my dedication and commitment to the domestic programs of the eUSA; and it is THAT dedication and commitment that got me into the appointed Cabinet position of Secretary of the Interior. Domestic policies are the backbone of every nation, and I am supplying the milk to keep those bones strong. You, Sir, are just moaning and griping, and your ignorance to the game mechanics and inability to learn are your shortcomings. I may not be an expert in the foreign affairs of the New World, but when I see inaccurate and sensational journalism, I will call you on it.

All things must adapt; and as long as I am still concerned about the well-being of my fellow eCitizens and as long as I am anti-imperialistic... I AM THE EMBODIMENT OF THE eHIPPIE. You complain of problems, Sir. To me, just as Lennon said in an alternate reality: I tell them there's no problem / Only solutions. Stick to what you know, which unfortunately isn't much - and before you question my loyalties... learn something!

Connor's Christmas Party

Last but not least, I want to let everyone know about a series that eAmerican Batterytime has been working on, Economics 101 - an ongoing series of articles about topics in eRepublik economics. This series currently has two parts; Part One is about Economic Mistakes and Misconceptions and Part Two is about export licenses. You can follow along by subscribing to SBO-Security By Obscurity.

Till next time...
Take A Sad Song...
And Make It Better...

Jude Connors

People asking questions lost in confusion,
Well I tell them there's no problem,
Only solutions,

Well they shake their heads and they look at me as if I've lost my mind,
I tell them there's no hurry...
I'm just sitting here doing time,

I'm just sitting here watching the wheels go round and round,
I really love to watch them roll,
No longer riding on the merry-go-round,
I just had to let it go.