War. Ok, but... what kind of war do we want?

Day 465, 08:52 Published in USA Spain by Pechorin

Less than 10 hours to finish the vote and starts the war. Our representatives have been voting to support this war and now the whole nation is going to figth.

I suppose that this is ok for the majority of the society (seeing the congressist's support is easy to get that conclusion) and I have been reading many articles and proclamations and pamphlets about that topic. After all the reading there is at least one thing missing for me, a simple citizen of Florida, what kind of war do we want?

There will be people who wants to conquer Mexico in order to go south and have more targets; others will want to conquer some territories and give them back later (with a RW included). Everybody has its own idea about this war and I would like to participate as well.

I would like to have a organized war with a short range of targets and as many people involved as we can.

Organized war:

- I would like to contact with the Mexican government to request them to move the population of the regions where we are going to attack firts in order to reduce the "height" of the wall.

- I would like to propose to the mexican army to move to USA to participate in the attack (if they support the attack of course)

- I would like to see how the government is planning the political impact of having some new regions and a different distribution of the congress's seats.

Short range of targets:

- I would like to know if the government is thinking about how many regions they want to conquer and why.

People involve😛

- I understand that the USA army is prepared for this war so I guess that they are going to make the most part of attacks, but what about other people? Is this war to be a USA army's war or a people's war?

I know that is easy to make questions, especially when one is new, and I don't know if you people are already discussing these topics. As a citizen, I strongly believe in civic participation and the rigth and duty of asking the government about their plans.


Spanish resume:

La guerra contra México parece que va a ser finalmente aprobada y por la lectura de los medios cuenta con mucho apoyo. Lo que ahora debemos plantearnos no es simplemente si apoyamos o no la guerra, sino como queremos que se haga esa guerra.

El gobierno debe explicar a la ciudadania si está en contacto con los mexicanos, que planes tiene para el conflicto y como afecta a los ciudadanos.

Pechorin, citizen/ciudadano.