Voter club Italia - Let them being known!

Day 2,040, 09:00 Published in Switzerland Austria by Kaad

Voters-Italy is trying to grow to become one of the most important clubs voters in circulation

Currently we have 5 days of life and we have reached 140 members, most of these however are Italian players (60😵 and this creates problems of international time , because for example if an American player makes an order in his afternoon , our Italian voters are probably offline : this is one of our two biggest problems.

The second problem is related to a single administrator (now it's me), my job's hours in real prevent me from being present and to have available several requests to be voted


Voters-Italia's payments:

Price each votes (normal voters): 5 cc each votes
Price each subs (normal voters): 6 cc each subs

!!! immediate payment !!!

you must be registered here !!!

I'm looking for one or more Admn who know these programming languages​​:

salary: 0.5 gold every request administered

for more info contact me in pm.


Gold member :
The voters player that leads to the club more than 50 requests become a Gold member

Price each vote (GOLD MEMBER): 1 q7 weapon
Price each subs (GOLD MEMBER): 1 + 3 weapon q7 q7 food

you must be registered here !!!

(those who ask for an order must say who is his referrer)

if you need more info about this , contact me in mp

Normal spammer :
The voters player that leads to the club requests will receive 2 q7 each reqest

(those who ask for an order must say who is his referrer)

Happy 200 members :
The day when voters-Italy, will reach 200 members each member will receive (for that day only) 1q7 each vote (except golds member)

you must be registered here !!!