Vote MaryamQ for Congress

Day 1,100, 23:24 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

Hello, my fellow eBelgians,

Again we are at the 25th of the month, and it is time for you to choose who will represent you in Congress. After a month as Country President, and continuing to serve as Prime Minister in ThomasRed's Cabinet, I am asking you to vote for me once again in Brussels. While it has been an honor to serve in the administration of eBelgium, and I certainly will continue to make myself available to serve this and any future Country President who can find a use for me, I find my heart is really in Congress. I want to be able to vote for the projects we need to build eBelgium into a stronger and more active country, including the revision of our constitution and the building of a more organized and stronger military. I hope my record of activity will speak for itself. I am involved on a daily basis, reading and posting on many areas of the national forum, not only in my official capacities in the government, but also as a member of the Home Guard and on the social parts of the forum. With the recent frequent changes in the game, you need people representing you who are active and involved, and I think you can see that I am both. I also am able to see all sides of a debate and work to bring people together to find common ground. We have many deserving candidates in this election who will serve you well. Choose carefully from among them, and vote wisely for a stronger eBelgium. If you vote for me, I will be grateful and will continue to do my best to serve you.