USA Needs Freedom!

Day 1,624, 19:22 Published in USA USA by General Cartman Lee

Dear Americans,

Another election month is coming, and with it there is one big question, for whom to vote. The fact is that we do not have anyone to vote for with the current candidates, because there are practically no real representatives of the American Nation.

Unfortunately, dear friends, there has come such a time a time that Americans have no real control in their state. The Country is turned from a nation of Eagles, to one of Owls.

Do you want to let INCI control America? Do you want to let the puppet government that supports the invaders still manage our precious state?

Americans have always been a proud people that do not allow someone to control them.

American citizens have never been second-class citizens in their own country.

Therefore, dear countrymen, we must destroy the domestic traitors and foreign invaders. All together we need to take back American power in our beloved United States.

True Americans did not give up on our country. We will fight for it, until our last breath!

Help America to take back its country from the hands of the invaders and seize power once again.

Americans, if you want to see America free, join the resistance