Upcoming projects

Day 1,499, 13:59 Published in Belgium Belgium by Nohjis

Good evening,

My dear readers, I've come to you tonight to announce you that I will be running as a candidate for the next presidential elections. eBelgium is going through turbulent times and I do believe that by taking up this responsability I will be able to help us move forward. After a good month of stabilization for which I would like to thank MaryamQ, it's time to make choices. This introduction will not be long. You will have all the time to read about policy in my continued propaganda coming to you during the end of this winter's month.

These detailed articles will show you what focus I would like to bring.
The focus will mainly be on Domestic and Foreign Affairs :

On the home front:
I can't promise a babyboom as many others have done before me. What I will try to achieve however is that the ebabies we do get have everything they need to be nurtured and grow into strong and beautiful eBelgian citizens.


Serving as a role model for all

Or just beautiful

On the other side:
While the world war is rapidly evolving with what seems to be great powershifts, we are now the last neutral barrier surrounded by countries fighting in different alliances. We wish to keep being this safe haven of calm and peace. Our current government and congress will already show our continued commitment to neutrality in the coming days. This will be continued while we look into securing our nation as a whole.

Other domains:
You cannot achieve a good domestic and foreign policy without taking care of the other domains of governance. It's for that exact reason that I will expect the domains of Defense and Finance to be tightly managed.
On the financial side, checks will be maintained to verify that the budget adaptations of the past two months and the policies the government will propose to congress can work with the current budget.
New programs have been put into place in our national Military Units; the stability and growth of these programs are keys to the further growth of eBelgium.

In the coming days you can expect 4 more articles:
- A detailed domestic affairs policy
- A detailed foreign affairs policy
- Financial, Military and other departments
- A presentation of the team

Devotedly yours,
Proud eBelgian