Training Corps Reports: Lion King

Day 1,040, 00:06 Published in USA USA by Synesi
Training Corps Info

What is the Training Corps?
The Training Corps (TC) is a branch of the eUS Military. It is tasked with training and preparing troops so that they can move on to other branches.

The Training Corps is the first step in you eMilitary career. To join, please fill out our Application.

The battle for Lion King

We battled in Liaoning, Serbia, a.k.a. Lion King, a.k.a. LK. The battle started on day 1,038 and into the wee hours of day 1,039.

Let's attack some Serb bots!

LK is an original Chinese region that has been occupied by Serbia for many many months. It is considered one of the Three Pillars. The Three Pillars were the 3 high iron regions in Asia: Karnataka, Heilongjiang (Hello Kitty), and Liaoning. During the presidency of Jewitt in December 2009, the eUS and EDEN launched the Thee Pillars Campaign. We were able to reclaim Karnataka, which the eUS rented from Indian and later returned. In April of 2010, Hello Kitty was finally reclaimed for China from Hungary. Now, it was time to get LK.

During the first few hours of the war eUS Military and EDEN allies cleared 1,300+ Serbs out of this heavily defended battle zone. 14 hours into the battle, Serbia had yet to clear out the might red power of the allied forces. There was still a swarm of red, surrounding the Capital and about 30% of the map.

Situation during the 1400-1500 time frame.

The Swarm of Red retains control of the Capital at 1400 or so.

Allied forces held part of the battle until around 1400 hours into the battle. We went back in that evening. 300 eUS and allied soldiers versus 1500 Serb bots. It was brutal. It was intense. It was relentless.

The status quo for 4+ hours. During this time we held anywhere from 88% or so to 92% of the tiles.

After almost 4 hours of overtime, for a total of about 5+ hours of intense, all out fighting, we were spent and tired. But, we kept going. Stopping only to stretch, get food and reload. We did epic work. In the end, we lost. By the end, we had 120 or so soldiers left and over 1,300 Serbs. Over 300 Serbian and their allies in the Capital alone. These soldiers held the battle zone for close to 4 hours. Congratulations to these soldiers.

TC Battle Stats
Our Battle report can be found here.

Best 5 fighters during the LK battle were:

1 Morrigan Alexandros
2 dmjohnston
3 Gryphon Skull
4 Jasper Signa
5 Comotose

Best 5 fighters overall fighters are:

1 Technician
2 Morrigan Alexandros
3 Dmjohnston
4 Samuel Roth
5 Gryphon Skull

This week's promotions
*Yeah, it was a busy week.

Major Minuvas is promoted to the rank of Colonel and assigned as Commanding Officer of 3rd Division
Captain Tim Cannon is promoted to the rank of Major and assigned as 3rd Division Executive Officer.
1st Lieutenant Charles Howe is promoted to the rank of Captain and assigned to Alpha Company as Commanding Officer.
2nd Lieutenant bobboy10 is promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant and assigned the additional duty of Junior Personnel Officer.
Captain Ethan Deluca is assigned the additional duty of Junior Civil Affairs Officer.
2nd Lieutenant John892 is assigned the additional duty of Junior Civil Affairs Officer.
Senior Master Sergeant Elivmar is assigned the additional duty of Junior Civil Affairs Officer.
1st Lieutenant bobboy10 is promoted to the rank of Captain and to Charlie Company as Commanding Officer
1st Lieutenant Synesi is transferred to the 21st Logistic Company as Logistics Manger.
2nd Lieutenant Jasper Sigma is promoted to the rank of 1st Lieutenant and assigned additional duty as Combat Statistician.
Senior Master Sergeant Elivmar is promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and assigned as 121st Platoon Commanding Officer.
Master Sergeant Adam Kelley is promoted to the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and assigned as 114th Platoon Commanding Officer and assigned additional duty as Junior OoMPA Officer
Colonel Relin is assigned additional duty as Junior Information Systems Officer.

TC Tales of the Dea😛 dmjohnston
DoD, Sept 24
New Countries in eRep and their potential impact
The Briefing Room
PE [Day 1,039] - Make Simba Proud

****Oompa Olympics****

TC Olympics: Special Military Edition are next week! For the first time we are opening up the TC Oompa Olympics to the entire military. \o/ To participate, please contact your Branch Command and
Charles Howe's profile

Sept 27: Inaugural Celebration: IRC Trivia 1730 eRep
Sept 28: Uno
Sept 29: TC Trivia 1730
Sept 30: Poker Night
Sept 31: TC Trivia 1800 eRep
Oct 1: Scavenger Hunt 1730 eRep
Oct 2: Surprise Event || Awards Ceremony 1800 eRep

The prize loot is coming in nicely. There will be a 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize. Each winning team will diving up the loot however they think best. Please keep donating. Contact
Charles Howe's profile.

The Office of Magical Platoon Activities

The Office of Magical Platoon Activities is tasked with coordinating a wide variety of events for our soldiers, and often awards prizes to those who excel. We are, however, funded entirely by donations which means we need your support in order to continue to provide these fun and exciting experiences to the Training Corps.

Anyone who wishes to make a donation, please fill out this for with concern to what it is you would like to donate.

The OoMPA will respect the confidentiality of anyone who wishes to remain anonymous, but will need your name in order to contact you to collect your donation.

*Report by Lt. Gen. Morrigan Alexandros