Tourism in erepublik

Day 511, 03:35 Published in Indonesia Romania by oarecare

Okay.People very rarely move around,so moving tickets are not in demand.How can we change this?By implementing an avatar on each region of a country.Also,a player should have a link or something where he can see where he has been.For example if i were to click on a person it shows me his worker skill,his strength and his friends.What i propose is a new window that shows the regions the user visited.And for each visit to a region,the player can "capture" that region's avatar.So when he see's his profile on places visited it should show the regions name and the avatar of that region.That way a player would have more reasons to travel then it has now. (avatar/picture collection)The moving industry would grow ,oil industry as well ,and it would make erepublik more fun.As for avatars or pictures used to describe a region well we can use a picture of Dracula for the rregion of Transilvanya.For central hungary we can use a postcard with Budapest,For Washington DC we can use the washington memorial or others like it.
So what do you think?
I have opened a thread on the forum here: