Torn but still Fighting

Day 1,980, 13:49 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine

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Clearing stuff up
Less than a week ago, I had come to feel it was time to leave South Africa again, and so I left the South African Gold Party, wrote an article which I've sense deleted, and prepared to move on. That was then; this is now, since I came to realize I need to stay for the good for my party, and possibly the overall good of the nation. So naturally I re-joined SAGP, and my previous MU, though if another MU were to offer some good perks might have to take them up on that offer. Though don't offer me anything less than 10 q7 weapons a day. 😉
Going Forward
I will remain committed to SAGP and South Africa until I feel the first is secure in its foundations and position in South Africa's party rankings.

Politically while unemployed with in South Afrcia, I might seek another go at Country President, I might run for congress this month, but I will ask to be a low priority within the South African Gold Party's rankings.

Military wise I will wrap up my latest merc quest, and then focus purly on NaN battles.

Community wise might offer my services to mentor players, if I'm deemed suitable.