Today in eBelgium, Day 1104: Interview with Vulcain

Day 1,104, 22:02 Published in Belgium USA by MaryamQ

Hello, eBelgium,

With our recent MPPs, many of you have been enjoying more battles then ever before in your e-lives. Suddenly, our Ministry of Defense has taken on a new importance, and our army is being revived after being dormant for months. Today, I have the privilege of sharing an interview with Vulcain, the present Minister of Defense, who has been working at rebuilding our army. He has also been a generous contributor to our community, donating to such projects as our MPP fundraiser, Food for Young Fighters, and even supplies for our Home Guard. But his wealth is only a small part of what he has to share with us. I hope you will find his words as inspiring as I do.

MaryamQ: Please tell the people of eBelgium about how you came to join our community. What was your experience in eRepublik before coming to eBelgium?

Vulcain: Well… I left Canada mainly because I was looking for a new challenge and also because I was not satisfied with the way the CAF was managed. I came to Belgium because I wanted to take a break from erep… but I’ve met lot of new interesting friends here and I’ve decided to get involved once again. In my military career I’ve been Sergeant, then Lieutenant of the 22e Régiment Royal before being promoted as Brigadier-General of the CAF. I’ve been also General for 4 months of a private militia that I’ve created and composed of 30 members, the Van Doos. More recently and before I left, I was Lieutenant of the 22e Régiment Royal of the air division in the Canadian Armed Forces. 

MQ: You have been reorganizing our military, starting with the Home Guard. Please describe our present army, and what you hope it will look like in the future. Why is it important to do this?

V: The Belgian Army will keep the same structure, divided in two components: the Para-Commandos and the Home Guard. As of now I’m focusing on the re-building of the Home Guard since most of our active citizens are in Congress and can’t move. Once this step is done, we’ll start a new Para-Commando platoon with our best and mobile soldiers so we can go help our allies abroad. It’s important for Belgium to count on a professional and well organized Army so our present and future allies understand that we can do our part in a battle. That way we won’t have to pay full price for a mutual protection pact. 

MQ: You have spent most of your game life as a soldier. What would you recommend to a young citizen who would like to concentrate on the military module? Who qualifies to be a member of the Belgian army, and what is expected of our soldiers? What are the benefits of being a member of the army?

V: First recommendation would be: Join the Army! That’s the best way to learn about strategies. Plus you’ll make new friends and you’ll experience how great it is to be in a platoon. Moreover, you’ll make sure your influence in a battle will be useful. Remember… to be accepted in the Belgian Army, it’s not about how strong you are, it’s about how devoted you are. In the Army, you’ll benefit greatly from others' experience plus you’ll receive supply of food and weapons so you can manage more influence in a battle. 

MQ: What is the one thing you would most like to say to the people of eBelgium?

V: Pretty simple. Get involved! Each contribution is important, whether it is small or big; Belgium needs you. And I’m not talking about money here… I mean register on the national Forum, share your ideas through your newspaper, participate in Congress debates, join the army, sign in to be a mentor for younger citizens, etc… In order to build a strong and active society, we all need to give our best; we need to work as a team! 


So, how can you follow Vulcain's excellent advice and get involved?

First, join the national forum. While you are there, look around and see what is happening, and join in the fun.

Then, sign up for the military. This will give you the opportunity to be a part of a team and to get free food and weapons for fighting.

Be sure to subscribe to the Ministry of Defense newspaper to find Citzen Orders. This will help you fight where you can be most effective.

Remember, we all need to work together!

Eendracht maakt macht/L'union fait la force/Unity makes power.