To my supporters! <3 Also AZ Statistics

Day 706, 14:45 Published in USA Canada by Emperor Rick

I want to personally thank everyone who voted for me in Arizona. You guys have brought my personal best record to a new high of 17 votes. Though unfortunately for myself the AAP really came out for Rheinlander Von Phalz and kept him ahead by a 10 vote margin throughout the entire day. When the polls had closed, Rheinlander won with 27 votes. Clearly he made an impression in congress and was a asset to keep by the AAP. I wish him the best of luck.

The record for Arizona overall has been shattered. AZ saw the most votes this month then any other month in the history of erepublik with 52 votes total. (the previous record was made back in May with 32 votes)

Most Votes per candidate
1) Rheinlander von Phalz 27 - October
2) Kazeal 19 - June
3) Emperor Rick 17 - October
4) Sir Valaro Volcrum 10 - February
5) Istarlan 8 - April
5) mcgivey 8 - October

What are my plans now?

I think i'm going to focus away from politics for the next month. I've never liked asking for votes because I don't want to get people turned off from me. And to run again next month ( I feel ) would be beating a dead horse. depends? (what do you all think? )

What I will be doing:
working with the CvP to strengthen and help organize the party
join the SEALS
continue to resist peace around the world

Love and Peace folks!