Day 2,068, 02:01 Published in Netherlands China by SKYJACKED


The clock is running along and time is passing without hearing from the government on how the negotiations with the polacks are going.
Almost 2 weeks have past and all we keep hearing is that we have to be patient.....
Before the elections and elections before that our beloved president was so full of a deal that he would make within a month to atleast free one of our regions.
Since his election only a loud silence has came from the direction of our government.
What is happening, are the negotiation still in progress , who's on his negotiating team??
These are just simple questions that could need an answer.
Now i really urge our president to reveal something.... coz patience is running out with the citizens.
Has all this been an electionstunt to be voted into office??
Where is the transparacy that was preached????

So my question to our government still are : Have the negotiations started ???
Have the first steps been taken to even appraoch the polish to see if we could reason with them???
Who are the negotiators in this , or is our president solely responsible for that item??
Who do we glorify when the deal comes through???
Are we negotiating 1 or 2 regions???
Hopefully our government is gonna flash into action since the promiss of the president was to have an own region or regions by the end of his term.
" he stated that it would be a one month job to achieve that , and would be his farewell gift to e-NL"
Lets hope & see if our beloved president keeps his word on both ......