Though my Mind can think, I still am a Mad Man

Day 1,804, 13:26 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

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Lets face facts
Unity behind Pfeiffer, yeah not the best Idea, perhaps like some or most I hoped he'd keep his attitude in check and not piss any of our allies off, that was foolish, and Frankly I think some of his problem is people allow him to continue to act the way he does with this common expression among people who've worked with him the longest "oh that's just Pfeiffer being Pfeiffer" yeah that was a smart move, sure his faults aren't as bad as some other ego crazed wack job I won't name, but all the same they shouldn't just be accepted, more so when he's leading our eNation, but what can you do now other then move on and prepare for next month.
Unity Candidate again...really?
Please stop, I get we need unity and we need to deal with the PTO threat, but can we please get someone other then Cerb? is there really no other option? No one who has not been a President before, we have to go back and use someone whose done it before? It just disappoints me how quickly it seems Cerb has been anointed the winner, what happened to Democracy?
The Real Focus
My own Madness, after all I am a Mad Man, and so will start with the thing that bugs me the most of things not mentioned above, For most of my time in eRep I've someday wanted to Join the Marines, but every time I get close, they increase their standards, and I respect them but I do not agree with that measure for the continued increases basically make it impossible for the low budget player to ever reach the Rising Joining Requirements.

Next up as much as it will hurt me on some sort of deep emotional level, I shall be leaving my Revolutionary Party behind in the coming weeks and joining the Federalists in an attempt to rebuild a eCareer on Life Support in some dark Hospital room somewhere. But that push will come after some real life hectic-ness is sorted out.

Finally not that it matters, but a few weeks ago A2 came out saying we invaded Canada to prove a point, if so that is complete and udder crap, it’s a crap move, and it’s something you expect from a country like eSerbia, just how I feel, you don't like it that's your right.
Quote of the Article
"I don't make mistakes. I make prophecies which immediately turn out to be wrong."
~Murray Walker~
For the Trolls

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