There were ten German bombers in the air...

Day 946, 14:07 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by ChewChewShoe">

There were ten German bombers in the air,
There were ten German bombers in the air,
There were ten German bombers, Ten German bombers,
There were ten German bombers in the air,

And the RAF from England shot one down,
And the RAF from England shot one down,
And the RAF from England, The RAF from England,
And the RAF from England shot one down,

There were no German bombers in the air,
There were no German bombers in the air,
There were no German bombers, No German bombers,
There were no German bombers in the air,

'Cos the RAF from England shot them down,
'Cos the RAF from England shot them down,
'Cos the RAF from England,
The RAF from England,
'Cos the RAF from England shot them down!



Don't forget to watch the Germany - England game on the 27:th!

For all of you people who feel offended, I am sorry. It is not my intention to be rude against anyone.
I simply wrote this article due to my love for the English football team, and I like the chant.
I have nothing against Germany or Germans in any way. I actually think good of them.


The song of this article:
Ten German Bombers


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