The V Day Special

Day 1,913, 18:41 Published in South Africa Canada by Cody Caine

Mood Music
[cuz Paul Proteus does it.]

It's Love Story
It began As I sat watching the Superbowl, listening to the song that played in the background to the Sam Adams commercial, a song I would come to download to my iPod. So as I stared at my empty Revodka bottle I began to think about Love and all that stuff that comes along with it on this so called Day of Love.

These thoughts always begin and end with Molly, the inspiration to so many of my articles, my wife and grand princess of my region on nationstates, I could say thousands of words, but it would not do, a million tiny things that she does that make her who she is and to wrap it up she is by far one of the nicest people you could ever ask to know.

The next girl who comes to mind is known as Sora Storm on eRep, and she is simply loyal, and has been my friend for 10 years. And affectionately known to the Revs as Big Foot, in all seriousness she doesn’t always get the attention or credit she deserves but is a Great Friend.

Next we have rainy sunday, #4 on my friends list, my forever awesome eNanny, she is supportive, always nice, and just one of eReps coolest people. The Nanny thing comes from when Gnilraps said she was a multi, and all the back and forth crap of that day, in a moment of trying to comically relieve my shout feed, I declared her my nanny, Gnilraps to be something else, and I can't remember the rest. She is also my Nanny because on that time JD said I could be his CoS, she agreed to be my deputy and to help me learn the job, so like I said she's Awesome.

Speaking of old Gnilraps sorry to bring this up, but next up got really mad at him once, and I do respect Gnilraps but Kara Beth is too damn feisty to deny giving love to. And I have referred to her as such since that time, even to the point when I was with the Feds my access subject was "I came to stare at Kara Beth." I also added her because she had Kara from Smallville as her Avatar.

And now the other Molly, at least in my own eLife; Molly Emma, who I can't recall many interactions with, but when I joined the Feds she said to me "we meet again," which makes me feel special so had to include her, and well she does do Awesome stuff.

Then comes Bia Pandora, she sings with me in comment feeds, has some of the funniest comments to my shouts you can think of, which makes me laugh, this game needs laughter and fun, something Bia and I agree on. Bia is a caring person so also Awesome. AND the best Part, she called into my Radio show once!

Speaking of Radio [no I'm not going to say how that word gets you kicked from the South African IRC, oh wait] mzCielly the girl from down under, I mean Australia not that other thing, perverts...Anyway in reference to radio I always say her name wrong, at first out of not knowing, but more so now just cause I think its funny to do. mzCielly is a good sport, and even if I didn't mention her last article, she is nice enough to play Nationstates with me, as the Avatar of my region of Ba Sing Se. Awesome lady right there.

Since I mentioned IRC in that last bit, I come to Mazzy Cat, who told me I was famous, earning my eternal eLove. I enjoy talking to her on IRC, she's nice, supportive, and well as I say so much in this article Awesome.

And now that I've wrapped up the eLadies I've had significant interactions with, I come to Greeling, who is probably my biggest fan, mostly a fan of my butt and staring at it, but Greeling is Awesome so lol.