The Training Corps is Recruiting!

Day 1,111, 17:36 Published in USA USA by Synesi

The United States Training Corps was first established over a year ago to replace the United States Training Division. The Training Corps provided recruits an education in tactics, history, Corps values, and life in the military, as well as a complete hands on training program. With thousands of recruits having passed through the Training Corps, it is recognized as an invaluable part of the eUnited States Military.

While in the Training Corps trainees will be able to deploy, fight, participate in TC sponsored events, and make friends with one of the largest communities within the military.

As a TC graduate you will be highly sought after by the higher official eUS military branches, or you may choose to start a career helping others learn in TC! The possibilities are endless!

The USTC is currently accepting applications from both new and old players alike. Sign-up today!