The Second War Down Under

Day 354, 12:59 Published in USA USA by Desertfalcon

Hello all, Yes I know it has been awhile but wars are back in the game and the GDR is once again writing war articles.

Once again New South Wales is a hectic battleground as the Australians once again clash with the Indonesians in hopes of liberating their nation that was occupied by Indonesia back in march of 2008. Yesterday Australian Resistance leader Zaney started a revolt in New South Wales and soon received the support of the Atlantis nations. The Australians were off to a difficult start. It's been almost a day since the start of the war and for those first 20 hours the Australians just barely managed to hang on in their attempt to breach the wall now they have stepped things up and are gaining ground on the Indonesians with the wall now at 75k.

Many Atlantis nations are still in the process of deploying their troops. While Indonesia already has all their soldiers employed and positioned to fight. Because of this Atlantis troops will be out numbered until the incoming soldiers get all of their stuff straightened out before leaving. Troops are still pouring into Java, the resistance base camp in Indonesia. Java was originally an Indonesians region however it is possible to fight in the resistance war from anywhere in Indonesia and there is a Q4 hospital. The United States, The United Kingdom, Canada, and Romania are several key Atlantis nations sending support to Australia.

This first battle has been a bloody one back and forth however no side has yet to take a clear lead. Both the Resistance and Defensive heroes have caused 12,000 plus damage and reenforcement alone. This has already turned into the bloodies battle of V1 and it has continued past the 24 hour mark. Those of you who watched this battle right before the 24 hour mark may of just witnessed the most important event in Australian history. With only two hours to go and with the wall 1,500 points over the amount it needed to be secured the Aussies rallied and since then they have been making steady gains. Today may go down as the turning point in Australian history if they hold out and free New South Wales.

Even if the Aussies are unsuccessful today it is likely that they will start up another revolt soon after this one is over. This resistance movement has been saving up for this moment for along time so they have the resources to fight this war. I will not be able to go and fight myself since I am a congressman however I encourage all U.S. citizens to go fight and fight for the Australian resistance. I also recommend that soldiers heading to Java stock up on supplies, if you run out of weapons while deployed I will sell you some through donations. 25USD for one Q4 weapon.

I will be offering continuing updates and coverage of this event, good luck to all soldiers.