The Quest to be a Mercenary

Day 1,764, 16:22 Published in USA Canada by Cody Caine

Reasons Why
Since the creation of the Mercenary medal, I have earned two, the first one I had a plan to seek, but got focused on fighting in battle for the eUS and its allies, so it was put off, but eventually I reached a point where I had the needed 25 kills for well over 30 nations, so I decided to make the push for 50, and that was how I got Merc Medal One. The Second and most recent Medal wasn't planned at all, just looked one day and I had 25 kills for 31 different nations, and decided might as well, so I traveled the eWorld and racked up the needed kills thus earning my second Mercenary Medal.

Presentation of Merc Stats

The 50 nations I fought for the first go around. [50 being Pakistan]

The 50 nations I fought for the second time around. [50 being Saudi Arabia]
Final Thoughts and Quote of the Article
The Mercenary is an interesting achievement, for it requires travel to obtain, and you can't do it fighting for just one country and its allies, and I know not all readers of this article will approve of the nations I fought for, but alas you can't please everyone.

"The ear of the leader must ring with the voices of the people."
~Woodrow Wilson~