The Name Game - Episode 2

Day 1,807, 03:39 Published in South Africa South Africa by Badger06

The Name Game - Episode 2

Welcome everybody to the Name Game. Each episode we will take the time to look at and analyse and give you a more in depth view of an eSouth African players name. These players may be e😜ats, or may have generally close ties to our country, or they will be current eSouth Africans.

To start with the list of great South Africans, past and present. Do we jump back to the days of Innes and Enoch, or even Wingfield and Stryke Blayde, or do we focus on more sensational members like Krimpie or Mr Wet. What about those who have been slammed hard with the ban hammer like Veschy, NRL or K9 Jazzpurr. I could go on name dropping (heres just a few, and i expect your votes) Grimstone, Crumoet, Hamilton Moore, Lazer Fazer, Steven Bosch etc.

This week I am jumping right into the action, I present to you the spandex loving Miyagiyoda

Miyagiyoda - pronounced ʺMe-Ya-Gi-Yoh-Duhʺ.

Lets break it down right there

Mi - An acronomn for "Mentally Ill"

Ya - An irritating way of saying either "yes" or "yeah". Either way they mean it makes you want to punch the person who said it in the face because they are to lazy to pronounce the ending to their words.

Gi - The Planeteer that was given the Water Ring.
kwame: earth! wheeler: fire! linka: wind! GI: WATER! ma-ti: heart! go captain planet!


Yoda - A pimp, little green, creature who kicks everyone's ass in Star Wars. He was almost 900 years old when he died

So in essense his name means that he is mentally ill (MI), and lazy because he uses a lot of slang(YA) also that he stole a water ring from a planeteer, which he has become obsesed with (Gi) with his mix of slang and speaking like Yoda he is not always comprehensible but he does kick a lot of behind on the battlefield.(Yoda)

A little bit of information on Miyagiyoda himself, he is a former president of South Africa as well as serving as MoD on many occasions.

He is someone that most people listen to as he normally has good advice and intersting oppinons. Even if he is telling us stuff we dont want to hear.

He is a devout IA'er and is great asset to South Africa

For more information go bother Miyagiyoda in game or on forum.

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