The Journey to Loch Ness

Day 1,870, 21:52 Published in United Kingdom Canada by Cody Caine
New Revelations
I awoke that morning damp in a cold sweat, at the window I saw a shadow of a distant friend beckoning me to begin a new Journey. I looked to my Mazzy Kitty, who only purred and rolled back to sleep, so I patted her gently before I rose leaving this place I called home, ever confident my dear Kitty would find salvation with the People next door and under the protection of my companion in past Journeys.

I now stood at my mail box, reading through various messages, campaigns and propaganda, before noticing once again that Shadow that beckoned me to follow, and so I put my mail in my coat pocket as I walked down that path away from my home. As I walked I noticed shadows all around, like that of a Noble man heading into the sunset, the words of my eNanny echoed in my head telling me I must continue on without fear of persecution, and so I did continue forward following that shadow.

To the Ocean or perhaps it was a Pond.
As I continued on my path following that Shadow which ever beckoned me I reached the Water, looking down at my guide as it vanished from sight, perplexed I forced on the thought at hand and soon I stood on the banks of a different body of water, one I believe they call Loch Ness. My theory would soon be proven true as I looked around the area, my shadow guide no longer a shadow, now standing before me was my dear friend Lancer. After many stories exchanged I knew that this is where I would call home now, for my Journey had brought me to the shores of Loch Ness and into a new eNation.

Writers Notes
This wraps up the second story in my new paper format, hope you enjoyed. Like the last story I have link the people who related to various parts of the story, and also linked an article. Also hope people like my new banner and segment lines. Finally as a citizen of the UK I joined the UKPP and the Royal Navy.

~Thanks for Reading~

P.S. Add Michael, he needs more friends.