The Greek - those lucky Ba... guys!

Day 1,844, 20:19 Published in Argentina Finland by WP Attak

Everyone is fighting (for or against) the Greek, both in eRepublik, and real life.

The Greek are the guys who invented democracy (when rest of us were monkeys), developed that to a point when nobody needed to work (when rest of us were working).

It is easy to understand why they do not get it why people actually need to work for food (when we are paying them free loans).

Don't take me wrong here, I love Greek people, and I have lots of Greek RL friends.

Only Italians beat them to that self-awareness (must be wrong word for it, I mean the stuff when people think they are superior to everyone else, like USA folks, and the Greeks)... There is nothing better than an Italian (damn rich) lifestyle.

We all need a Ferrari, right? At least I do.

I don't know, but sometimes, I just need to remind all of you that THIS IS JUST A GAME! Everyone everywhere is just a guy or a girl. They are just like you.

People in this game just do not get it that alliances can change. OMG if USA is fighting against a past ally (not naming anyone), or if country like Finland leaves EDEN, or Sweden leaves ONE. Or if Poland tries to separate from ONE.

Don't mix past alliances or real life opions with eRepublik.


We are all normal people. Good or bad, but normal people.

There is a lot of personal relationships involved, but on the other hand there are thousands of new players coming into the game on monthly basis. Do not get stuck to old habits.

Be prepared for change.

Nobody will ever win this game! Get over it!